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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( His only obsession)
Written by Gbemi
Chapter Twenty two

With the help of Tiffany driver. Fannie was put on the wheel chair that had been given to her by Tiffany request.

Tiffany had secretly gotten Fannie out of the hospital. Fannie had been the one who asked for it. If the hospital had been aware they would have made a fuss. A fuss which would have gotten to Dora and she didn’t want Dora getting all excited and nervous when the baby will soon be born..

“Are you sure that no one will notice you gone?”Tiffany asked as she pushed Fannie chair into the house.

“They won’t and if they do. Have already left a note. Indicating where I am”Fannie replied as she mentally prepared her mind to meet Alfred.

“Judging that there is no sign of him. He must be locked up in his room as usual”Tiffany said as the driver came back to carry Fannie up the stairs while Tiffany followed suit with the wheel chair.

Safely back in the wheel. Tiffany pushed her till they got to Alfred room.

“This is it”Tiffany said and she nodded in reply.

Tiffany knocked severally and when there was no answer she brought out the spare key.

“He often doesn’t answer to people knock, so every worker have a spare to his room”Tiffany explained.

She opened the door and pushed Fannie into the room.

“You have a guest Alfred” Tiffany said.

Fannie stared at Alfred who stood beside the window starring outside. If she hadn’t been informed of his current state. She would have thought that he could see.

He looked a bit thinner and those eyes that had often stared at her with love now stared at her with nothing.

She Stiffled a sob even as she heard him say.

“I already told you that I don’t want to see anyone. Why don’t you listen to me” he yelled at his sister.

“That’s because you need help Alfred and I hope that your visitor convince you of that”Tiffany replied.

Though they were inside the room, his gaze was at the door way.

“Who is this visitor?” He asked.

“Pretty Fannie!”Sarah called as she ran into the room while she hugged Fannie on the wheel chair.

“How are you cutie?”Fannie asked as she bestowed the kid a kiss on the cheek.

“Fine. Why haven’t you visit In a while?”Sarah asked.

“Fannie is my visitor?”Alfred asked stopping Fannie from giving Sarah a reply.

“Yes I am”Fannie replied hotly.

“Let’s go Sarah! You will get to talk to Fannie when she finish talking to your father”Tiffany said as she took Sarah out of the room.

“What are you doing here?”He asked.

“To see you. Sleeping for Eight months make time flies”She said softly.

“It does. Just like the day changes so does people “Alfred replied

“Are you saying you’ve changed?”Fannie asked.

“I have and you should be able to tell that I have”he said indicating his eyes.

“That doesn’t mean anything Alfred”She said.

“Well it means something to me. Am not the same man you used to think I am. So wh@ťěver you have to say should just end here” Alfred said dismissing her.

“It can’t end here. Just because of what happened to you your willing to throw away your life. I won’t let that happen”Fannie said.

“And how do you intend to do that?” He asked.

“With my love. The love we both feel for each other will make everything right. So please don’t give up yet”Fannie said.

“Love? Don’t make me laugh”He said looking bitter.

“It was the love we feel for each other that brought this upon us. Love is just a sick emotion”He added looking like a synic

“It’s not a sick emotion. Its what we have always feel for each other. It’s reason why you looked for me for years. It’s also the reason why you didn’t give up on me?” Fannie cried out.

“I wish I never looked for you. I wish that I never tried to persuade you back into my life. I wish……”

“Stop it Alfred! Just stop it!”She cried out as the tears began to fall.

“It must hurt right? Then you need to get rid of the feeling just like I did”Alfred said.

“I won’t and I know that you dont mean what you say. Your just saying it to push me away and……”

“This is not just mere words Fannie. I meant what I said. Didn’t Dora made it clear to you that I didn’t come to the hospital to see you even when you were in a coma. If there was still something left I would have been around until you wake up but I wasn’t and that’s because you are nothing to me Fannie. You aren’t in my heart again. So just forget about me and leave”He said.

“Alfred…..”She called sadly.

“Go away Fannie. I mean it. Leave and never come back”He said as he turned back to the window.

Seeing that she didn’t have any more hope Fannie left the room and Tiffany who had been standing outside eavesdropping on their conversation tried to stop her but Fannie chose to leave.

As soon as Fannie was safely back into the car and was heading to the hospital. Tiffany went back to Alfred room.

“Just what the hell is your problem?”She yelled at her younger brother.

“If you are just going to bother me then I suggest that you leave”Alfred said.

“Ever since the accident you’ve become a shadow of yourself. I brought Fannie here thinking you would come to your senses but you choose not to !”

“Do you even realise that she was on a wheel chair?”Tiffany added

“Wheel chair, What do you mean?” Alfred asked concerned etched on his face.

“She can’t walk properly and she is undergoing therapy to get her legs back on track and….. Where are you going?”Tiffany asked as Alfred began to walk towards her wanting to go after Fannie.

“Where is she? Did she leave?”He asked as he blindly made it to the door only to fall on the floor.

“Are you okay?”Tiffany asked as she tried to help him up but he pushed her hand away.

“She went back to the hospital. Do you want me to go to her? On hearing that she could see you. She told me to take her out of the hospital even though it was risky for her and judging by your reaction what you said to a while ago was a lie right?”Tiffany asked.

“I had to…..I had to tell her that lie so she won’t be saddled with me. What can I give her when am like this?”He asked.

“Don’t say that Alfred. Just because you are blind doesn’t mean that you are worthless”Tiffany said as tears poured from her eyes.

“That’s what I am Tiffany and she’s better off without me in her life. So am hoping that you will keep her away. I mean it Tiffany”He said as he went back to his room refusing Tiffany help.


“How can you be this reckless?”Dora asked Fannie who was now back in the hospital room.

“I just had to see Alfred and When Tiffany showed up and told me about his depression. I decided to go to him”She replied.

“What happened then?”Dora asked Fannie who explained everything.

“He said I should never come back”Fannie said crying in Dora arms.

“And will you do as he says?”Dora asked.

“Never. I won’t give up on him. If he thinks that this will stop me from coming close then he is in for a surprise. He doesn’t know that this just fuel my determination”Fannie said.

“That is it. I love your fighting spirit but I hope that you won’t do anything until you’ve recovered fully”Dora said.

“Oh I plan on doing that. As soon as am back on my feet. I will make him see reason again”Fannie said fiercely fueled with determination.

“Here is your nurse Alfred. Maddy Waterson” Tiffany said introducing Alfred to his new nurse and Fannie dressed in a white knee length gown walked into the room looking different. Another identity had been part of her plan and now here she is as Maddy Waterson ,pretending to be someone else just to work as Alfred nurse.

To be continued✌️✌️✌️

Wondering what Fannie plan is ???

Well let’s find out in the next episode???

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