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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? Tale


An immortal ?

(His Doom ?)

By Marie G

? Do not copy or repost ?. It’s a long chapter pls don’t just read and leave. Like, comment and share ?

Chapter 49 & 50

“Leave and never come back” Stone said and walk up to Albert

“Are you okay?” He asked and he helped Albert up but this only angered Desmond the more

“Fine!! I’ll leave, and I’m never stepping foot here ever again” Desmond said and disappeared

Yes, pls never set foot here again, it’s all for the best… Stone thought

Desmond has been his favorite disciple and he was more like a son to Stone than a disciple. The biggest mistake of his life is letting Desmond go but he doesn’t have a choice if he wanna keep Desmond safe

“Thank you master” Albert said bow

If not for Stone, today would have been his Last day as a god.. “I’m grateful he helped.. Albert smirk evily

«Desmond’s apartment, 8pm»

“Are you sure you wanna go to that party?” Desmond asked Nirvana who had already dressed

“of course.. why not? It’s the president’s birthday and we can’t miss it” Nirvana said

” We can miss it. I’m more powerful than president”

” It isn’t about supernatural powers dummy”

“Yeah wh@ťěver,,, let’s go then” he said and held her hand as they both walk out of the house

Take care of yourself Mich.. Desmond said through telepathy as they drove out of the house.

Though he wasn’t happy about what happened up there but he didn’t tell Michael anything

« Blue House »

“Hey.. Nirvana, you look stunning Tonight” Rachel complimented immediately she sighted them

“Thank you” she replied with a smile

“And you Desmond, you look good as always” Rachel bit her lips seductively but he didn’t even spare her a glance

“Jasmine will be here any minute from now.. so make yourselves comfortable” Rachel said and started to walk away but stopped on her tracks

She turned to Nirvana. “It’s actually my birthday, not my dad’s and you wanna hear the interesting part?” Rachel Lean closer. “he isn’t at home so I can do wh@ťěver I want to anybody” she whispered

” Well I’ll be waiting to hear you sing for me” she added with a smirk

“Too bad I didn’t come prepared so I won’t be performing” Nirvana said and Rachel frown

“Of course you will for the fact you got to enter the president’s resident for the first time in your life” Rachel mocked and one could tell she was trying to get on Nirvana’s nerves but Nirvana chuckled instead

“You call this a house? your entire house is nothing compared to my parents bedroom” she smirk and Rachel fumed. ” I wasn’t gonna perform but I’ve changed my mind since I’m the first superstar you’ll ever see perform” Nirvana smiled and Rachel ball her fist tightly before walking away

“I h@ťě her guts” she growl as she stump off

“Des, let’s go sit over there” Nirvana said and walk to the empty sit while Desmond followed behind

“Is everything okay? You’ve been quite” she asked

“Yeah.. he replied . “I’m fine, don’t worry about me and just worry about yourself” he added and she smiled

“What are your plans” Stephanie asked..

“Don’t worry it’s a secret and Jasmine will do the job for me” Rachel replied as she walk towards Chloe and Halle

“Hey girlfriend” Chloe hugged her

“You look good”

“Thank you” Rachel smiled broadly

“But girl, who is that hot babe sitting over there with Mr cutie?” Halle asked staring at Nirvana and Desmond

“That’s Nirvana the girl we attack the other night. and the guy beside her is the one I have been telling you guys about” Rachel replied

“No wonder you want the girl out of the way.. that guy is absolutely every girl’s type” Chloe said dreamingly

“You better take your eyes off him, if you still need them” Rachel thr_@tened

“Easy girl.. I mean no harm” she apologized

“I will be back, I think Jasmine is here” Rachel said and walked away

“Jasmine? who is Jasmine?” Chloe asked and Halle shrug

“Nirvana’s carbon copy” Stephanie replied

“Let’s go get some drinks before the performance” Halle said and Chloe nodded

“Hey Jasmine” Rachel waved at her

“Hi” she replied

“You don’t look bad though, but I must confess Nirvana is the real deal.. she looks really cute in the gown she’s wearing” Rachel said knowingly. She was trying to hurt Jasmine with her words

“Like I care” Jasmine replied trying hard to hide her jealousy

“You may want to meet her” Rachel smiled.. “follow me girl” she said and led Jasmine to where Desmond was sitting with Nirvana. Jasmine boiled with anger when she met them talking and laughing together but she tried to look calm

“Hey.. Nirva you look good” Jasmine said and hugged Nirvana

“Thanks hun, you also look good toi” Nirvana smiled

“Thanks ” Jasmine faked a smile

“I hope you enjoy the party” Rachel said and walk away while Jasmine followed her

“What are your plans? What are you up to?” Jasmine ask when they were alone

“Wow, you look curious,,,, but don’t worry it’s a secret” Rachel replied

“Don’t worry too much” Rachel patted her shoulder reassuringly


“Wow, they are really good but not as good as my Desmond though, cus he’s got the voice of an angel.. Nirvana as she watch some guys perform while Desmond blushed at her thoughts

The noise was too much for Desmond to hear what others were saying so he had to focus only on Nirvana. He didn’t feel comfortable about the party but the fact Nirvana didn’t complain was enough reason for him to stay

“You look worried” Nirvana whispered into Desmond’s ears since the noise was too much

“I’m okay” he whispered back..

“Alright then, if you say so” Nirvana said and sipped from her drink


“So what’s your d@mn f*uking plan?” Jasmine yelled at Rachel

“If you are really desperate to know, come closer” Rachel said and Jasmine did as told

“I will poison her” Rachel announced and Jasmine eyes widdened in shock

“Poison? Will she die immediately?” Jasmine asked

“Wait, are you concerned right now? I thought that was what you’ve ever wanted to do?” Rachel asked and she nodded

” Then put your mind at ease, she will just go unconscious few minutes after taking the poison then die after 2hrs” Rachel smirk evilly

“So how will you do that”

“You will give her the poison yourself” Rachel said

“What? How? Jasmine asked

“You’re such a dumbass. Here” Rachel handed a glass wine to her. “Make sure she drinks it before her performance, no one will notice” she added and walk away

” I can do this” Jasmine assured herself

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