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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(His Shy Spy…)

By; Sommy Pearl F.



★ ★ ★ ★

*Whirrrree* The medical machine sounded when Ariana entered it.

Cindy watched her, with her arms folded.

Afterwards, she walked to the computer and clicked on a button which showed her the results of the brain scan.

“Hmmm” She sighed deeply.


“So, What does it say?” Rhoda asked, seeing Cindy walk towards them with the result sheet in her hand.

“She actually lost her memories” Cindy replied.

Rhoda scoffed and took the paper away from her. She went through it and blinked her eyes.

“You sure there isn’t a mistake or something?” Rhoda asked.

“Rhoda!” Malcolm cautioned, aloud.

“I never make mistakes and there isn’t an error in our system” Cindy answered, taking the paper from her.


“We just received an update from Rhoda” One of Gilberto’s men said.

Gilberto’s brows vibrated as he briefly looked at him.
“What news again? As if Dew dying without accomplishing his mission wasn’t enough” He growled.

There was quietness.

“What’s it about?!” He barked, violently.

“Ariana Bells is back” His men answered.

Gilberto slowly took down his leopard’s mask.
“What??” He muttered.

“She also lost her memories…again” He added.

“So, she never died?”

The man shook his head and Gilberto swallowed.

“My little baby…you’re back?” He whispered.


“Let’s hear the mission now” Malcolm said.

Ariana smiled.
“Am I gonna be a part of the mission?” She asked.

“I don’t think so. You might have forgotten how it works” Malcolm disagreed.

“But I didn’t forget how to draw” Ariana frowned and showed him a drawing sheet where she drew buildings.

“Wow. It’s beautiful” Malcolm smiled.

Ariana smiled back. written by sommy pearl f.

“I guess your talent never fades away” He said.

“Pff! Anyways…That’s not what I’m talking about now” Ariana muttered.

“Then,,, what are you-

“Please,,, let me be a huge part of this mission. I really wanna be a part” Ariana said, rubbing her palms together.

Rhoda scoffed.
“The time she tried being a spy, she got drunk and ruined everything” She whispered to everyone hearing.

“What’s she talking about?” Ariana looked at her.

“Pay no attention to it” Malcolm shook his head.

“No…I heard-

“You’re a part of us” He quickly interrupted.

“Huh?” She asked.

“I thought you wanted to be a part of the plan?” Malcolm said. written by sommy pearl f.

“Yess!” She gushed, smiling widely.

“So…Ken…Let’s hear it” Malcolm smiled.

“We have 2 missions” He started, and wrote something on the white board.

“The góvernor, Mr Shin émbezzled about 23 billion dollars meant for workers who has been protesting for 10 months now. These workers sadly, hasn’t been paid their hard earned salaries for 21 months now” Ken explained.

Oliver walked forward.
“I got a tip that the money dwells in the góvernor’s home…but I really know where in the home its hidden”

Malcolm listened.
“Darn those callous and horrible politicíans” He spat.

Cindy slowly took her eyes away from her iPad which she had been operating and came closer to Malcolm.

“We might really need Ariana, you know” Cindy uttered.
“Tommy, the only son of the góvernor, Mr Shin,,,, has a talent of art. He deals with drawing and draws quite well too” She added.

“Tommy is also getting a new home art teacher” Oliver said and showed them his computer.

“I hacked into the governor’s base and saw that a lady by name, Miss Martha Fisher dropped her application letter and CV and few hours ago, she got accepted” Oliver said.

Malcolm scratched his jaw.
“I think I’ve a plan…Oliver,,, Do you still have the face shifter sunglasses?” He asked.

“I do but some certain things are prohibited wearing into the governor’s home. Like sunglasses, masks for example” Oliver replied.

“Do you want Ariana to face shift into Martha’s?” Rhoda asked.

“Yeah. That’s way,,, she can enter the house with ease” He replied.

“I guess the face shifting glasses has it disavantages” Kev chipped.

“Hmphh! Thats why I’m inventing a better face shifting object” Oliver uttered.

“Oliver? Why not hack into the system and take Martha’s CV down from the base. We’ll create a quick CV for Ariana and place it on the base instead” Ken suggested. written by sommy pearl f.

“Nice. You can go do that. right?” Cindy asked.

“Easy peasy” Oliver winked at her, and walked to his computer desk.

“Let’s do this smoothly and please…no death” Malcolm whispered, secretly looking at Ariana.

“Let’s take the next mission after this” Malcolm said and Ken nodded.


Rhoda quickly got down from her car and looked back.

There, stood the huge governor’s mansion. She scoffed and dusted her suit, smacked her folded red lipsticked lips together and packed her hair into a ponytail.

She sighed deeply when her eyes fell on Miss Martha Fisher.

“Target seen” Rhoda whispered.

She was wearing the communicating bracelet.

“You know what to do, Bullet” Malcolm cooed.

“Yup” She tapped her ear bud and quickly walked to her.

“Miss Martha Fisher?” Rhoda raised a brow.

“Yes? That’s me. How do you know me?” Martha asked, stopping.

She faced Rhoda.

“I’m Lia Ash…The governor’s P.A” Rhoda lied.

“Oh…Am I late for the home lesson with Tommy? I don’t think so” Martha laughed, nervously.

Rhoda smiled shortly.
“Its not really about that. I received a sudden message which should be relied to you” She said.

“What’s that about?” Martha asked.

“Actually, the governor doesn’t want a home teacher anymore”

“Why not?? Why did you send an email saying I got the job then?”

“That was yesterday. Today, the governor decided to go back on his word”

Martha angrily bit her lower lip.
“What’s the reason if I may ask? I didn’t do anything wrong, did I?”

“Oh no. You didn’t. I also wished I know why he made that decision but according to Tommy, he blurted the reasons were personal”

“Okay then. I guess I’ll take my leave” Martha sighed.

“I’m really sorry for the inconveniences”

“Nah…Its fine” Martha said, and left.

“Target taken care of. Ariana, be ready” Rhoda whispered.

“Let’s give her a code name too” Malcolm said.

“Huh? I thought you said-

“C’mon, Bullet. That was then” Malcolm retorted.

Rhoda only sighed.

“My codename is spy” Ariana said, walking closer to her.

Rhoda looked at her.
“You here?” She asked.

Ariana only nodded.

“Go in. Its your turn” Rhoda said.

“Okay” Ariana said and walked past her.

“Be careful, Spy” Malcolm said.

“And please, don’t talk on your bracelet. We would be able to hear you even without doing that” Oliver quickly said.

“No problem” Ariana answered.

“Spy, Hope you still remember the plan?” Ken asked.

“I do…” Ariana chuckled, slightly.

“Be careful with the mini bomb, okay?” Cindy said.

Ariana opened her bag and took out a Rubik cube. A small mini bomb was placed inside it.

“I will” Ariana smiled and kept it in back.


The security men stopped Ariana as soon as she entered through the gate. written by sommy pearl f.

There was huge security dogs around which frightened Ariana a bit.

“Who are you?” One of the security men asked.

Ariana smiled blissfully which almost made the men waver.

“Hello. I’m Anna Bills…Tommy’s new home teacher” She didn’t stop smiling.

“Hold on” He said and checked his phone where her CV appeared. Her picture was there which cleared their doubts.

“Can we get the email based on your acceptance?” He asked.

“Spy, I sent that already. Just show them your phone” It was Oliver voice.

Ariana heaved and showed them the email.

“You can go” He said.

“Thank you and have a nice day” Ariana bowed and left.

She exhaled deeply before ringing the bell. The head maid servant opened the door.

“You are?” She asked.

“Anna Bills…Tommy’s new home teacher” Ariana answered with a bright smile.

“Oh…I heard. Do come in. Tommy’s parents went out but I’ll take you to his study room”

“Okay Ma’am” Ariana was behind her, looking around.

“Just call me Lady Winnie”

“Oh…Okay,,, Lady Winnie”

Winnie chuckled and opened a door.
“This is his study room. Stay here. Let me go tell him you’re here”

“Alright” Ariana smiled with a bow.

Winnie left and Ariana entered inside. She saw drawing boards, drawing books, brushes, pencils, crayons, watercolor, etc amidst table and chairs around.

“Are you my teacher?” She heard a timid voice behind her and she slowly turned to him.

She saw Tommy, a cute and lttle kid smiling at her. She was about to smile back but just immediately, one of the security men came behind him.

He was panting hard, and was holding a weapon detector.

“We forgot to tell you. But the góvernor’s wife ordered us to give the home teaher a thorough search” He said.

Ariana just stared, nervously.
“Bob,,, Will the mini bomb in the Rubik cube be detected?” She whispered.

“Sadly enough, yes” Oliver answered, causing her ear to twitch, nervously.

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