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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?‍️My Bodyguard is a Girl ?
(He’s gay ?/ She’s bad ⚡)

Episode 57 ?
Penned by: Wise Wisdom

★Theme: Hope ?

❎Do not copy or Repost ❎

Hello mother! His voice came out faintly but filled with emotions.

Oh Gabriel! She cooed trying her best not to cry: is been long since she last heard from her son, so hearing his voice now only made her emotional.

“And how are you doing over there?”
Have you been well, do you eat well over there? Tell me is everything alright with you?

He chuckled. Yes mom, i am doing well an please calm down okay.

She took in a deep breath hoping it calms her nerves but it never did.

“So tell me what is happening with you over there?” Any progress at all?

I found your sister, Mrs Clara Smith
I also found her daughter, her daughter’s lover alongside her beautiful friend: Sage.

“You…you met my sister?” She stuttered gripping her gown.

How is she, i hope she looks good?
Did you talk to them, any response?

Yes mom, she looks pretty good, if not way better than the picture you use to show me.

“I see.” She breath out.

“Tell me you are unharmed?”
I feel scared at night, just thinking about you makes my mind wander far away.

Mom, i promise you i am doing fine, the only problem is that your sister’s life is at risk.

Please be careful Gabriel, i don’t want any evil to befall you.

I promise to be fine mom, an you too try an stay safe.

” He said rolling his eyes at her display of affection. His mother has always been too much, too protective of him.”

Please Gabriel try to keep an eye on Clara and her daughter, i don’t want anything to happen to them.

I would do that, but for now i plan on doing that hidden so not to get more complications in their life.

Okay please take care, try not to get hurt.

i will try to call more often from now on, so no need to get scared. “Is that fine?”

Hmm! I feel much better now that i have your word.


________*** Valerie ?

Sage helped me in getting into the beautiful red gown Etienne bought for me, i kicked against it so she could rest but nah!… “That girl’s head is as hard as a log, she never listen.”

She helped with my make up, making sure i don’t have a glance of myself on the mirror

“That bad girl” I didn’t know how i looked the whole time she was getting me all dolled up.

If it was left to me, i won’t have any make up done, i simply planned on putting myself in the dress then walk up to him so he could feel a bit of content.

Wow!! Oh wow oh wow! Val, you look so beautiful, like an angel that only just fell off from the sky.

Bam! She landed taking our breath an sight away with her beautiful sight.

Etienne is not going to recognize this dazzling beauty in front of me, d@mn! Valerie you look more beautiful than i remember.

She squealed jumping up in excitement.

I get the fact that you are happy but please stop jumping or i promise to clean the make over you’ve done on my face.

Her face scrunched into a frown. “Bad girl, that’s what you are Val, an i h@ťě you so much!”

She pouted cursing underneath her breath, which i heard anyway.

Suddenly mother walked into the room with a wide smile.

Her mouth were left agape, slowly there closed themselves an turned into a wide smile.

Valerie you look so gorgeous, beautiful before description. She breath out in tears.

I never thought a day like this will come where i get to see you dressed in a gown, am so excited, the excitement is undescribable.

Come on mom, stop making me embarrassed or rather, stop making me feel uncomfortable.

“I am just so happy!” She whispered with tears sliding down her red cheeks.

Am happy you met Etienne, he really is a good man.

“I love you mom, so much.” I whispered pecking her hands.


Sage took me to a well decorated garden before running off: the lights were dimmed but i can still tell that the garden was decorated wonderfully.

What… Where are you running to Sage?

I asked as she ran off without looking back.

Mm! Why do i feel like something is off?

That is because you are right where you should be.

I crouched with a smile to direction of where the voice was coming from…

And when he saw me, his lips dropped open.

“You look… Whoa!”

Is this.. He paused gazing at me as his lips were curved into a broad smiled, the look he had on was indescribable.

You look beyond beautiful Valerie, words cannot explain how fantastic you look.

I found myself blushing profusely at his words.

“Are you serious?” You mean i look beautiful like this?

You don’t just look beautiful but breathtaking, i feel as if my breath are being taken away by your presence.

I bit my lips to stop myself from grinning like a fool, gosh he got me with those words.

I cannot imagine my life without another woman when you are right by my side.

I laughed coyly; “stop with the comment already, you are making me feel shy and i h@ťě it.”

But you don’t need to feel ashamed my love, because words cannot explain how gorgeous you look, you are amazing.

He said pulling me to himself; his hands wrapped up around my waist.

He tilt his head, pulling closer he aim on kissing me when suddenly his phone rang out.

$h|t! I cursed as he pulled back to pick his call.

Am sorry sweetness but i need to pick this, is very important.

We have a lot time to kiss an make love through out the night;
He winked in a seductive manner.

I rolled my eyes at him as he picks up the call.
I can ponder why he has been doing since he’s always on call.

“Am listening” he uttered with a serious face.

We just succeeded in kidnapping Corentin as planned, since we couldn’t take him out of his house quietly we made sure the maid Curt employed helped us in accomplishing our goal.

He was with a friend but with the help of the maid we were able to get him out of there, so where do we drop him?

That was faster than i expected, anyway i will send you an address right away, make sure to do as i have instructed.

“Sure thing boss.”

Etienne veered with hope gleaming in his eyes.
He then let out a loud scream, twirling as he jumped up like one who has won a trophy.

Yes! Yes!..Yes! Yes! We did it, i finally did it.

What did you do an why are you so happy?
I asked laughing awkwardly at his sudden outburst.

I just got Corentin, i got him Valerie, an i promise you he’s going to be in your arms soon.

‘I did it, i finally did it!’ First thing tomorrow morning we leave here to his location, you are finally going to see your son Valerie.
T. B. C

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