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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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♠Same day, Reality Talent school,South Korea♠

“We really do have talented people in our country… keep it up the Jasmine and Sandra” Miss Natalia said and they bow before exiting the stage

“Our next participant is no one other than Desmond Howard” Miss Natalia announced and everyone clapped as Desmond walked majestically to the stage.

? Jeez, his handsomeness is blinding

? He’s more beautiful than me, I’m jealous

? I love you Desmond..

“Hi… I am Desmond Howard” Desmond smile and most of the girls fainted

“f_ck has he always been this handsome?” Michael gape at him, in surprise and a girl suddenly fainted beside him

” Why are they all fainting? Is it some kind of a fainting competition?” He wondered aloud staring at the girl who had regained her consciousness already

” I will love to play the guitar myself” Desmond said and the students screamed more

? Wow, he even knows how to handle the guitar..

? He’s just too cute

“He’s really cute.. I can’t help falling for him” Rachel bit her lips seductively as she stared at Desmond

“I will make him mine at all cost” She added

“You actually deserve him” Stephanie spoke up

“You think?”

“Of course, you are beautiful and any guy would fall at your feet just to date you” Stephanie replied and Rachel smiled widely

“I will definitely make him mine” she said, with a smirk

“Can you really play the guitar?” Natalia asked and Desmond nodded

“Here you go” Natalia said handing a guitar to Desmond.

“Are you sure you can play it?” Natalia asked again and Desmond nodded.

“He’s cute, I shouldn’t underestimate him” Natalia thought before walking back to her seat

“Good luck” Natalia said through the microphone and Desmond smiled cutely at her

“Gosh, he’s cute when he smiles?” Jasmine thought

“To be frank Jasmine.. his smile is breath taking” Sandra said and Jasmine giggled

“I know right. He will surely be every girl’s dream on campus” Jasmine said and Sandra sigh

“Sorry everyone… There is a mix up.. the next participants should be Jenny Cort and not Desmond Howard” Natalia announced and the crowd began to murmur

“Quiet!! he will have to perform before the her then” Natasha, the director said and Natalia nodded

? We love you Desmond..

“He’s not even a celebrity yet and all this is happening?” Sandra though loudly

“Seriously, he’s incredibly handsome” Jasmine said and Jenny’s frown deepened. She has been frowning after hearing so many compliments about Desmond.

“I agree” Sandra said as they watch Desmond from where they sat while jenny kept giving them a deadly glares.

“Was it a bad idea I asked him to enroll here? It seems he might end up being with someone else. Gosh, what have I done?” Jenny bit her lip, regretting it already

“Good luck” Jasmine said in her mind

Desmond smiled after hearing her thought

he closed his eyes, feeling the cord he was playing while the drummer and keyboardist followed which made the the students scream

? Gosh.. I’m about fainting. Why is he so good at everything?

? I know right?

“He’s good at playing the guitar, I bet he will surely be great at singing” Aspen said from where he was watching with Nike

“Shut up” Nike growled at him

“You don’t tell me what to do” Aspen snapped

? Desmond ?

? Can I call you baby??

? OMG ?

? Why not? call me baby!!

? I love you Desmond

? You’re so sweet ahhhh

?Can you be my friend??

? Can you be my lover up until the very end?

?Let me show you

? Oh, I don’t pretend?

?Stay by my side even when the world Is givin’ in yeah?

?Oh, oh, oh, Don’t?.

?Don’t you worry, I will be there?

?Whenever you need me?

? I need somebody, who can love me at my worst….. ?

? Wooooow

The crowd screamed heavily as he sang

“Not only is he beautiful, he has a good voice” Rachel smiled, admiring Desmond

Michael’s mouth dropped open as he watch Desmond sing. The song was short but good

“You did incredibly well” Miss Natalia compliment immediately Desmond ended his song

“I know I’m a guy but … I love you” judge kelvin said and the crowd burst into laughter

“I really love the way you could control your voice, I wish you would be one of my students when you finally gain admission” Judge kelvin added with a smile

“I’m proud of you” Mrs Natasha smiled

“Thank you ma’am” Desmond bow before leaving for his seat

“You were great Desmond” Jenny said, hugging him but he didn’t return the hug till she disengage

“I guess you will come out really got the vibes” Jasmine smiled

“Thanks, you also did well” Desmond smiled back and Jenny fumed as she watch them

“You did really great Des” Michael said, tearfully

“Not again Michael, You are embarrassing me” Desmond said and jasmine chuckled

“Sorry… I’m just too proud of you” Michael said and hug him at once

Jenny sat down gently, feeling uncomfortable about the whole situation. It seems every girl wanted Desmond the way she also wanted him.

She blamed herself for telling him to come enroll. The fear of loosing Desmond to someone else is making her sick

“You might lose if you keep thinking unnecessarily” Desmond said, sitting closer to her

“Thanks” Jenny released a tight smile

And our next participants is Jenny Cort.. Natalia announced and Jenny stood up

Believe in yourself. You can make it.. Desmond said placing a kiss on her forehead. This action alone made Jenny smile widely

“Thanks” she said before walking to the stage.

It was a long day and placing was getting really dark but the Audition wasn’t over yet

**Minutes later**

“I want to urge everyone who participated in this audition to keep it up…you’ll really amazed us. And I want to say a very big thank you to all who participated in this contest. We were really touched by your performance. The results would be out by midnight and you’ll will be sent an email. Those that are selected will have to resume tomorrow” Mrs Natasha said

” Goodnight to y’all” she added and the students started dispersing


“I’m pressed, I’ll be back” Sandra said to Jasmine as they made their way out of the hall

“Alright” Jasmine replied and Sandra left

“Desmond” Jasmine called immediately she sighted him.

She walked to where he was

“That was really incredible. I totally love it…

“Thank you” Desmond replied.

“Oh no” Jenny exclaimed

“What’s wrong?” Desmond asked

“I forgot my purse in the hall” she replied

” I’ll go get it” she added and Desmond nodded gently

“It’s late, I’ll go with you” Michael said and followed Jenny

“You did well today” Desmond wink and jasmine’s cheeks immediately turned red.

She tried hiding her flushed cheeks and Desmond chuckled

“I guess you sang that for a girl” Jasmine cleared her throat

“Yeah … For the person I cherished”

“Wow Jenny must really be lucky to have you” Jasmine said with a hint of disappointed in her voice

“Wait!! Why am I disappointed?” Jasmine thought and Desmond kept mute staring at her

“Hey Desmond” Someone called from behind jolting Jasmine out of her thoughts and they turned only to see Rachel Walking up to them

“Ahh.. The girl that almost bump into my car” Desmond said facing her

” It’s Rachel” Rachel corrected

“You did well out there” she added

“You too” Desmond replied

“Do you mind taking a walk with me?” Rachel asked but Desmond wasn’t listening.

All his attention was on Jasmine who had a sad expression on but quickly force out a smile when she noticed he was staring at her

Is she into me too? Desmond thought

“Why am I even worried about who he talks to ? Not as if he’s my boyfriend and moreover he already has someone he loves” Jasmine thought and sigh

“I must be stupid” she thought again

“Have fun” Jasmine said and made to leave when Desmond grabbed her by the wrist and immediately he felt some spark on his hands briefly as if he was electrified as his hands met with that of jasmine

His eyes widdened in shock as he stared at her and their interlocked hands then back at her face

“Sera?” He whispered inaudibly

“What are you doing?” Rachel asked looking at their interlocked hands

“I’m sorry, I’m with someone really important” Desmond said holding jasmine hands more firmly while jasmine stood still, staring at him with shock written all over her face

Who is he? Why the spark just now? Or was it my imagination? She thought staring at Desmond who was also staring back at her

“Did.. did you just turn me down?” Rachel yelled angrily .

“Sorry to disappoint you… She is actually my girlfriend” Desmond said and he pulled Jasmine into a hug and Jasmine’s eyes widdened more

She could feel her heart racing like crazy

“I can’t believe this… I’ll have you no matter what” Rachel said before stumping off.

“What’s happening?” Jasmine thought


Looks like Jasmine is sera afterall?

I’m confuse o. If she’s Sera then who’s Nirvana??

Abi Desmond is making another mistake?

Omo alot of secrets to unfold. Plenty secrets!!?

When Nirvana land in Korea ehn? Suspense and drama wee choke some people here ??

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