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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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† Next morning†

★The Larry’s mansion★

“Jasmine” Sandra called tapping her

“Whats wrong?” Jasmine replied opening her eyes slightly

“Its 7am already” sandra said and jasmine sprang up immediately

“Wait, how come you woke up before me?” Jasmine asked in disbelief because sandra and sleep were two very close friends

“I’ve been dreaming about the enrollment since last night so i couldn’t sleep soundly” Sandra replied

“Then let’s go get ready.. We should be in school by 9am” Jasmine said and walk to the bathroom



★ Desmond’s mansion ★

It was a busy morning as the birds can be heard chirping, men and women walking to their Various destination. Some were wishing but Desmond decided not care cause he didn’t want his sleep to be distured

“Desmond” Micheal’s voice echoed in his head

He groan out in frustration before using the pillow to cover his ears which he knew were of no help since the voices were ringing directly inside his head

“Desmond” Micheal call again in his mind when he got no response from him

“Can you pls stop it?” Desmond said and his eyes landed on micheal at once. He was in Desmond’s room all along

“Come here.. I need to give you some home training” Desmond said standing up

“It’s not what you think.. I actually came to tell you breakfast is ready. I made it with my bears hands and not my powers” Micheal said confidently

“You aren’t scared?” Desmond asked looking at the bold micheal.

“Why should I?.. I dont want my enemies to see that am weak” he replied and desmond scoff

“You’re becoming tough and i like it” Desmond said and micheal smiled

“Your food will get cold if we continue talking like this” Micheal said and desmond nodded before following him to the dinning table.

“Wait, you cooked? With your bare hands?” Desmond eyes widdened because he knew micheal didn’t know how to do things like that without his powers. And as for cooking, jenny has been the one doing that though he(desmond) knows how to cook

“You cooked for us?” He asked again

“No.. it’s just for you. I ate already and i bet you would love it”

“Ah! I see” Desmond said and he walked back to his room for a shower while micheal followed him again

Desmond halted at the entrance to bathroom and faced micheal

” Okay let me get this straight, you mean you did the cooking?” he asked and Michael nodded

“You ate from the food you made too right ?”

“Actually, NO… I made mine with my powers but trust me Des, you will surely like it. You know you asked me to start behaving like a human, that’s what I’m trying to do. Like this morning, I woke up, cleaned the house without my powers” michael replied proudly

“Ah! I see” Desmond exclaimed and micheal nodded

He glance at Michael one more time before walking finally into the bathroom for his shower



“Come take your sit” Micheal said immediately he saw Desmond coming downstairs

“I hope you aren’t thinking of poisoning me?” Desmond asked

“That’s harsh.. anyway I won’t take it to heart.. just come sit and take breakfast so we can go meet jenny” Micheal said and Desmond reluctantly

” Ta-da!!” Micheal said opening a plate of fried shrimp sauce and rice.

“Wow” Desmond salivated at its aroma

“I told you, I’m becoming human bit by bit, now open your mouth ” Michael said as he tried feeding Desmond

“I’m not a kid” he said, then took the spoon from micheal and scoop a spoonful into his mouth…

“Jeez” He exclaimed, spitting out the food

“Water!! Gimme water” He shouted

“Are you okay?” Micheal said handing him a cup of water

“Thank you for the food” Desmond said after gulping down the water

“Never set your legs in the kitchen again. I’ll do the cooking okay? And if you are too hungry, just make what you will eat yourself or better still make me a cup of coffee.. Or just wait for jenny” Demond said and micheal scoff

“Is the food not good? Micheal asked, and desmond look at him weirdly

“Is it that bad?” Micheal asked again

“It can’t be. I followed all the instructions I saw online” He added

“It’s very delicious.. salty delicious, pepperry delicious, spicy delicious infact everything about it is really delicious” Desmond replied, standing up

“It must be horrible” Michael said with a bit of sadness in his voice

” C’mon, you tried” Desmond said, ruffling his hair.

“Stop that, I’m not a dog” Michael said and Desmond giggled

Micheal cleared the table and immediately, desmond phone rang out loud

“Jenny, i guess” Micheal said and desmond nodded before picking the call

? good morning desmond.. Jenny said from her end but he didn’t reply

? its almost 9am already. I will be waiting for you there.. Jenny added

? i will see you around then.. Desmond finally said

? you can call me if you dont know your way…

? alright.. Desmond said and ended the call then face micheal..

“Go take your bath and lets go. I will be waiting for you”



★The Larry’s mansion★

“Bye, mom” Jasmine and sandra chorused

“Alright darling.. Fighting” Rita said and the two girls smiled before walking out of the house



★ Desmond mansion★

Micheal was done dressing and he felt really exhausted

“How do you even cope doing all this with your hands?” He asked as him and desmond walk out of the house

“You will get use to it” Desmond replied as they entered the car and drove off to Reality talent College.

Michael has finally cooked rubbish ??

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