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HomeOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A BetOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet - Episode 2

OBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 2

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? CHAPTER 2 &3?

“Hey wait up.” Swayer called, trying to catch up with Sebastian.
Sebastian turned around to see Swayer smiling at him. He gave her a questionable look.

“I am really sorry about what happened. I know it was an accident.” Swayer said smiling apologetically.

“Okay.” Sebastian said and made to leave.

“Wait, you’re the newly enrolled student right?” Swayer asked as he did look strange.

Sebastian gave her a nod and she smiled slightly.

“I’m really sorry your first day had to be like this. Chrystal can be a little too much sometimes. I’m Swayer.” She said stretching her arm.

“Can I go now, I have other things to do.” Sebastian said ignoring her handshake and walked away.

Swayer took in her lips. What did she expect after her friend had embarrassed him that way. She sighed, walking away as well.

★ ★ ★

“Chrystal don’t you think you overreacted, I mean it was obviously a mistake and he’s just a new student.” Anna said as they were walking to the library. They usually have group study before going to their hostel or back home.

“He stained my designer top and how was I suppose to know he’s a new student?” Chrystal rolled her eyes.

“You can obviously buy ten more of those so why make such a fuss about this one?” Ivory rolled her eyes.

“My dad got me this one. He hasn’t come home in a while now and that top is the last thing he gave me on his last visit.” Chrystal said sadly.

“You make it sound like he’s dead.” Maeve joked and they all laughed.

“Seriously I think you should apologize. First impression matters you know.” Fiona said opening the library door.

They all entered ignoring the stares and whispers as usual. They climbed up to their normal spot and met Swayer waiting for them.

“You girls are late.” Swayer frowned.

“Chill girl, it’s only first day okay.” Ivory said taking a seat and so did the rest.

“What are we even going to study today? We had no class today.” Chrystal said

“We could just go through our scheme for this semester, try to get ahead of the teachers.” Anna winked at Swayer.

“Why don’t we just take today off. At least from tomorrow we would have something to read on.” Fiona said standing up.

“Where are you going?” Swayer frowned.

“To see Caleb. He says he has something important to discuss.”

“Probably another breakup.” Ivory joked and they all laughed before remembering they are in the library.

“You are just jealous that you’re still single.” Fiona said sticking out her tongue.

“Look who’s talking. You won’t have a boyfriend in less than an hour.” Ivory rolled her eyes.

“Then at least I would know who to blame.” Fiona said walking away.

“So what now?” Anna asked leaning on the table.

“I think I’m going to the hostel. I need a nap.” Chrystal said leaving as well.

“Gee thanks for making me wait for nothing.” Swayer frowned, leaving as well.

Anna looked at Maeve waiting for her to leave as well.

“I’ll just pass time here. You can go if you want.” Maeve said carrying a poker face.

“You know breakup isn’t the end of the world right? Come on cheer up a little.” Anna said giving her a nudge.

“Touch me again and you won’t have that finger anymore.”

“Christ Maeve! I’m not the one who broke up with you. You know what you need? A distraction.” Anna said getting up. She smiled sheepishly at Maeve waiting for her to get up as well.
Maeve sighed helpless and got up, following Anna.

Swayer kept that frown on her face as she walked to the swim building. It’s a private spacious building for swimmers to train although only few students come here as others are more interested in football, basketball, cheerleading and other sports activities.

She comes here most times to cool off when she’s stressed. Recently her parents have been arguing more often than usual and it’s frustrating to be around them when that happens. Being rich doesn’t bring happiness entirely. Yeah you could buy anything you feel like but when the family is broken, the happiness is never stable.

She dropped her bag inside the locker, taking out her swim suit as well. She changed into the swim suit and entered the door leading to the swimming pool.

To her surprise, she actually saw someone in the pool, swimming swiftly. She’s never seen anyone swim that well before up until now. She could tell he’s a male judging by his macho appearance and she decided to challenge him.

She dived into the swimming pool, swimming at the same Pace but trying to get to the end first. He noticed what she was doing and accepted the challenge. They both increased their speed, swimming like fishes but no one could surpass the other. They both reached the end together over and over again until they decided to quit.

Swayer was the first to get out of the pool and then Sebastian.

She froze when she saw him and he was also shocked.

“You…you swim really well.” Swayer said smiling a bit.

“Yeah and so do you.” Sebastian replied bluntly, getting out of the pool. Swayer stylishly took a peak at his wet body before he covered up with a towel.

“You know, you’re the only one I’ve seen come here in a very long time.” She said also wrapping herself up.

“Why? Is here a private section?”

“No not really, people don’t just find it interesting.” She said smiling again. She couldn’t tell why but each time she looks up at his face, she just feels like smiling.

“Okay.” He said going into the locker room. Swayer followed.

“You didn’t tell me your name.” Swayer said

“I don’t remember us being friends.” Sebastian replied coldly. Earlier after the cafeteria incident, Natasha had told him everything about the school, how he should avoid getting into trouble which includes staying away from the FAMICS.

“Oh.” Was all Swayer said. She watched him take out his clothes from the locker, leaving the swim building.

She took in her lips feeling a bit stupid.

‘Why am I even putting so much interest on this new student? I did apologize for Chrystal’s wrong so I think I better let him be.’ she said within, taking out her clothes as well.

★ ★ ★

“Hey Sebastian wait up.” Natasha called as she ran up to him.

Sebastian smiled the moment he saw her but it diapeared when he looked at the strange guy with her.

“This is Shaun, my best friend.” Natasha said.

“You’re the new guy huh, you got a lot to learn if you want to survive here.” Shaun said shaking his hand.

“And we’ll be happy to teach you.” Natasha added.

“Okay. Can you please direct me to this building? I think this is where I’ll be staying.” Sebastian said showing Shaun a piece of paper he held. It says Block 4 which is one of the male hostel.

“Well you’re in luck, that’s my hostel as well. What’s your room number?” Shaun asked.

“085″ Sebastian replied.

Shaun and Natasha exchanged glances.

“What?” Sebastian asked furrowing his brow.

“That’s Shaun’s room! You two are gonna be roommates.” Natasha said excitedly.

“Okay cool.” Sebastian said and they all began heading in the direction of the building. He turned back and saw Swayer coming out of the locker room. Their eyes met but Swayer looked away.


Swayer threw her bag on the floor, falling heavily on the bed. She didn’t feel like staying in the hostel today so she just had Maeve bring her home.

“Swayer, you home?” Josey called, knocking slightly on the door. She’s Swayer’s older sister.

“Come in.” Swayer said getting up from the bed. She began taking off her clothes as she wants to have her bath.

“Jeez sis, you really need to eat more. You’re so skinny I’m afraid you might disappear anytime soon.” Josey said scrutinizing her sisters half naked body.

“Did you come to talk about my body size?” Swayer said getting into the bathroom. She wrapped herself with a towel, turning on the bathtub shower and adding liquid soap to it.

“No I wanted you to know I’ll be leaving tomorrow. I got another case I need to handle. A man was able to forge the signature of his boss and withdrew five billion peso. He claims he’s boss gave him the money and his boss is saying he did no such thing so they brought the case to court.”

“Now that’s some f_cked up $h|t.” Swayer said from the bathroom.

“Will you be okay while I’m gone?” Josey asked as she knew Swayer h@ťěs being alone.

“Of course I will. All I need do is throw a loud party to get mum’s attention.” Swayer said practically imagining the angry look on her mum’s face if she should do that.

“Yh that’s right, if you want to sleep outside for the rest of the week.” Josey chuckled.

“I’ll be fine. Goodluck.”

“Okay, love you.”

“I don’t love you anymore for leaving me.” Swayer replied before getting into the bathtub. Josey shook her head before leaving the room.
She met Lisa, the Chief maid heading up with a tray of food.

“Lisa make sure she eats well, I don’t like how skinny she’s looking.”

“Yes ma’am.” Lisa said with a bow.

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