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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE DEVIL SON – Episode 13

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She’s in love with the devil son ?

Theme: love,hatred,curse,war,bloodshed,demonic powers and isolation

Settings: the story is set based on olden time rules and also the demon realm and human realm.

No edit ‼️‼️
(I often typed in a hurry and most times I don’t have the chance to edit so bare with me)

? EPISODE 13 &14?

? Authoress pov ?

Cate who is just watching them since finally broke down in tears and chartlie and Charlie quickly look at him.

“What’s wrong cate?”charlie asked “i will not see juliana again”he cried and Charlie sighed,he’s juliana’s small boy.

“No,she will be ok and u will see her again,now go and practice,you know Juliana won’t be happy if u don’t practice and she will scold u”chartlie added too.

Cate finally nods and rush away”they should send us a message very soon,we will have to do wh@ťěver they want cause we can’t allow them to ki|| juli or even made her a slave”charlie said.

“Yes,we just have to wait for them to send a message and till then we won’t say another word to cate,he might end up hurting himself,u know how much he always wish to be with juli” chartlie added as they both walk away.


?Jake pov ?

I called liam,Shuan and chard and the three men walked in immediately”go get Juliana,it’s time to meet father”i said and they left.

I walk into the bathroom and have a quick bath and come out just few minutes later and wear a blue and black clothes.

I grab my sword and walk out of my room ,i look forward to more trouble today cause my brother’s can’t do without provoking me.


? Juliana pov ?

Gosh! Sleeping on the floor is more harder than i thought and it’s more worse than i expected.

Now that I experienced it,i can’t help but pity those slaves that are forced to sleep on the cold floor of the dungeons.

My hair seem like some witches perform some awful spell on it and it seem dirty too that i have to keep brushing off the dirt with my hands.

I was already in my gown but i can only imagine how awful i look right now and i can’t help but curse that heren below my breathe as i dust my dress too.

Just then the guy from yesterday walked in with two other men that i recognized from the battlefield.

“Good morning princess”the one from yesterday said and i frowned,so he can greet me now that he ran off yesterday.

“Why are u out so early?”one of the men said “i slept here”i scoffed and they look at each other surprised.

I seriously wonder what they are doing here so early in the morning”the prince said to bring u,it’s time to meet the king”the last one replied as if he ready mind.

“Ok,let’s go”i said as i walk down to them and we left together,i seriously have a lot to ask but i just keep quiet as we walk.


We walked quiet a distance,prince Jake’s quarter is quiet far from all the quarters and we walked to his chamber.

He’s already dressed and he seem to be waiting for us and the moment they walked me to his chamber,the men that lead me here left without a word.

He stood up and drop the bed and walk up to me and he stopped right in front of me and I can’t help but look up at his face,he’s quiet teller than i am.

He slowly reach out his right hand and i bend slightly confused by what he’d during and he still managed to do what he wants and he removed some leaves from my hair.

“Why are they in ur hair?”he frowned “and even sand”his frown deepened”it’s…..”i stopped trying to find a suitable lie.

When they talk about suck at lies then they are taking about me,even if lie,i will always get caught.

“Don’t lie”he said as if he reads my mind “it’s nothing serious,i slept outside on the floor since heren isn’t cool about my stay in their chamber”i said.

He clenched his fists angrily but call down almost immediately”you need to meet father”he said and i nods.

He didn’t say another word as he walk off to the door and walk out of the room so I rushed after him.


We arrived at the royal court and i how slightly”oh,is she the captive?”the king asked looking at jake but he didn’t say a word.

Yes I am your majesty”i replied instead and he smiled and jake look at him “before u make ur decision,she can’t be a mistress or concubine to any of my brother’s”jake said but the king act like he’s not even there.

His brothers seem like they want to laugh but they force themselves not to but what else do I expect from and even their so called father.

He watched his son being beaten so brutally and yet he doesn’t care so why don’t his brothers be like this.

“I guess i will just hold u as a normal hostage since jake doesn’t want u to be tested badly,i will send a message to ur EMPIRE,and if the king doesn’t reply my message in ten days then i won’t have any other choice but to just ki|| u”the king said.

“Jake,,,,,u can leave with her”he said and jake grab my wrist and pull me with him even though not roughly,his grip is tightened.

He finally let go of my wrist when we are quiet far from the Palace court ‘”why didn’t he father addressed u as prince or son?”i asked.

“You seriously love questioning people don’t u? Don’t ask me anything about my father or brothers again”he said rather coldly and i nods slowly.

“Good”he said and walk away and i immediately rush after him,i don’t know why am being so clingy around him,i mean am not really a fan of being around just a person all day cause I find it boring but am following him around.

“You might not want to follow me cause am going to practice”he said and i jumped excitedly.

“Oh yh pls take me along!,i haven’t practice or hold sword since i got here,my hands are swollen from not holding a dagger or sword! “i screamed like a little kid.

He stopped and look at me and i chuckled nervously realizing how stupid i am screaming like that around the guards,princess aren’t supposed to act like this.

“Ok”he finally said and continue walking and i hurried after him Smilling. Finally! I will get to gold sword today!

I seriously wonder how my life would have become if he’s not the one who captured me.

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