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Friday, October 18, 2024
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BLACK ACE – Episode 33

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? ♠️ BLACK ACE ♠️ ?

♠️ Chapter 33 ♠️

Written ✍ #Sadiq_Infinity {Capri Leo}

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Waking up from his blissful sleep, Dave opens his eyes gently and yawns stretching his arms and legs. Feeling the softness of the bed he was on, Dave farts quietly and sits up looking around the room he was in. Due to the temporary amnesia from the dart shot, Dave couldn’t remember his own room, in fact he couldn’t remember how he ended up in here in the first place.
Just as Dave was about go back to sleep, his nose perceives the delicious aroma of mouth watering meal. Instantly, Dave turns around and sees a plate of rice and bean which was laced with stew and fried plantains. Licking his lips hungrily, Dave sits on the edge of the bed and begins to fill his mouth with the delicious food before him.

After some minutes, Dave clears everything on the plate and slums back to bed belching with satisfaction and as soon as the food had digested inside him, Dave stands on his feet and heads straight into the toilet.
Here inside the toilet, Dave plants himself underneath the hot shower ? the water to pass allover his body, he also takes his time and brushes his mouth as well. Despite finding himself in comfort, Dave’s mind still wasn’t at rest cause he was trying to remember how he got here. After spending some minutes under the shower, Dave leaves the toilet b-tt naked and heads towards his bed but before he could throw himself on the mattress, Dave freezes instantly as his eyes spot an iPhone on mouth of the bed.
Picking up the phone with his right hand, Dave presses his thumb on the thumbprint making the lock on the phone to open and as soon the lock was gone, Elizabeth’s picture appears on the front screen. Immediately Dave sees his girlfriend’s picture, his memories began to kick it, all the things that he couldn’t remember moments ago began pouring back into his head.
As swiftly as he could, Dave heads to the wardrobe and wears some of his clothes. After that, he heads to the door and tries to open it but to his surprise it was locked. He tries so many times to force the door to open but his effort seemed futile. Determined not to give up just yet, Dave looks and ransacks the bedroom hoping to find the key or something that he might use to open the door. Seeing this is search was fruitless, Dave soon decides to try another way to getting out of the room. He yanks the bedsheet off the mattress and peeks out through the window to see the distance from the window to the ground. Measuring the distance from the window to the ground, Dave smiles to himself and begins to tie the bedsheet on the window.

Dave ➡ That sly b-tch. She thinks she can lock me up abi? Well, then I hope I’m not too late to save those poor women from gruesome deaths. Here goes nothing.



For a moment I thought I was dead. I thought that my life had ended and I was in a place where pain and miseries of life would never reach me but I was wrong.
While I was in my subconscious state, I began to wake up steadily gently opening my eyes. However most people wake up feeling relaxed and comfortable but I woke up feeling immense pain all over my body. I tried to regain my full senses but the devastating headache that was bothering at that time wouldn’t let me be. Slowly and surely, I woke up fully and found myself tied like a slaughtered ram, my hands were tied to the ceiling separating my legs from the ground. My arm joints ached so much that I had to Mõ@ɲ painfully and while I was busy fighting the pain in my body, I noticed Black Ace a few steps away from me humming excitedly as she arranged a set of sharp knives and torturing tools on the table. The clothes she wore on her body was a black singlet and crazy jean which was no different from a tattered one cause most of her lower body were exposed. As soon as she heard me squirming, the b-tch turned around and giggled excitedly approaching me with a catwalk.
Immediately the psycho got close to me, she landed a punch in my midsection making me to cough violently and Mõ@ɲ painfully even more louder.

Ijeoma ➡ ARRGGHHH!!!

Elizabeth ➡ Rise and shine b-tch! Although it’s still night time and every is still asleep. We have lots of hours before the sun rise. (Laughs)

After that statement, the b-tch grabbed hold of my expensive shirt and tore it like a piece of paper, she went ahead and yanked my bra of my bre-sts.

Elizabeth ➡ (whistles) Omo see bre-sts o. I have to say your boyfriend is one lucky b-stard. He sure made a good investment on this s-xy body of yours and I’m sure he gets to taste this sweet things every now and then but don’t worry. He’ll have to find someone else to invest in.

Ijeoma ➡ Where’s Mike?… You say you’d let him go if we brought your boyfriend.

Elizabeth ➡ Hmmm Yeah.. But I lied (laughs).

Ijeoma ➡ Please.. I beg you let him go. He has nothing to do with this.

Elizabeth ➡ I’m afraid he has. You dared to kidnap my Dave and you had the guts to starve him. B-tch, you crossed the line. Nobody touches my Dave and goes Scott free. Before I began to butcher up this stunning body of yours, let’s bring out some special guests shall we?

In that moment, Black Ace went behind me and pulled out Diana who was unconscious and tied to a chair and placed her in few meters away from me. After Diana, Mike was next to follow and unlike his sister who was still in one piece, he was a total mess. That handsomeness of his was completely gone, he looked more like a prisoner. His hair was dirty, his lips were dry not to mention his eyes which was red and saggy. There was also small wounds in some parts of his body. Just what did this b-tch do to my man?
After placing Mike right next to his sister, Black ace went to her knife and took one out of them. The knife she took was a hunting knife and from the way the blade was shining, I could tell that it was extremely sharp. Before heading towards me, Elizabeth took a hose which laid on the ground and turned on the valve on it releasing large amount of water on Diana and Mike. Instantly, Diana woke up and began to sputter, Mike on the other hand sat on his chair without making a move. After a while, Elizabeth turned off the hose and began to laugh, she grabbed Diana’s hair making her squeal unexpectedly.

Elizabeth ➡ Wake up b-tch. I can’t have you miss this.

Diana ➡ Wha… You! Why are you doing this? We kept our own end of the deal.

Elizabeth ➡ It’s true but I lied. Sorry (laughs)

Diana ➡ Please.. Let us go. I beg you. You want money.. I’ll pay you any mount you want.

Elizabeth ➡ (laughs) Money? B-tch.. I no want your money. I just want you see you scream but before that, I want you to observe closely as I gut this detective b-tch. It’s time I showed everyone what happens if you mess with my toys.

Ijeoma ➡ ki||ing me won’t justified your acts. I only did what any detective could have done. You ki||ed innocent people.

Elizabeth ➡ (laughs) Look who’s talking!? You police are the real crooks, one of the main leeches of this society. You hypocrites always talk about upholding the law but you don’t. Enough of this talk, wh@ťěver you say won’t change the fact that you’re going to die tonight.

Diana ➡ Please, you don’t have to do this.

Rushing with incredible speed towards Diana, Black ace landed a very hot slap across her face making her fall hard on the ground. Hearing Diana’s painful cries tore my heart instantly, she and Mike don’t deserve this. If only there was a way I could help them.

Diana ➡ (crying)

Elizabeth ➡ (laughs) Shut your d@mn mouth! What makes you think that you’re in any position to tell me and what to do? In case you don’t know, you’re on the same boat with this detective b-tch. Once I’m done with her, you and your brother are next. Now stay still and observe the wonders I can do with this knife.

Swinging the knife expertly and accurately between her fingers, Black Ace approached me grinning from ear to ear. The bloodlust in her eyes assured me that there’s no reasoning with this b-tch and there was nothing that would stop her from doing what she was about to do. No word could describe the fear I felt in that moment, I searched desperately for something I would make up to buy some time but nothing else came. As Elizabeth stood in front of me, she gently pressed the knife on my tummy and began to take upwards close to my throat.

Elizabeth ➡ Tell me detective b-tch, do you know hoe the chicken feels when it’s about to be slaughtered? People never seem to care the devastation that the chicken feels with feeling the sharp edge of the knife opening it’s throat. I bet you eat a lot of fried chicken without bothering the kind of ordeal the chicken went through. Well, now you’re going to experience that moment. The situation is reverse now, you’re the chicken and I’m the one holding the knife. Close your eyes cause it’s going to hurt alot.

The feeling of getting slaughtered nearly made me piss myself. To be honest, anyone would have pissed themselves if they were in my position. As I felt the sharp edge of the knife on my throat, I knew it was only a matter of seconds before this b-tch slit my throat open. So as difficult as it may seem, I closed my eyes and embraced my cruel fate.
Fortunately before the knife could slice my throat, something unexpected happened.
In a blink of eye, Black ace’s name was called by someone outside the room we were in and in that moment, the door was bursted open and to our surprise, the b-tch’s boyfriend showed up.

Dave ➡ Elizabeth! STOP! NOW!

Elizabeth ➡ What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be resting.

Ijeoma ➡ Thank God!

Elizabeth ➡ What did you say?

In that instant, Black ace creamed my midsection with a hard punch making me cough violently. Before she could drop another punch, Dave stepped in and intervened.

Dave ➡ Elizabeth.. That’s enough. What are you doing?

Elizabeth ➡ I’m taking care of this hypocrite. Baby, you shouldn’t have come here. Now you’ve ruined my moment.


I was shocked that this guy would shout at this crazy b-tch despite knowing how dangerous she is. To be honest, I was thinking that Black ace would take an action on him by stabbing him with her knife cause from what I heard from Diana, she doesn’t let anyone who calls her crazy live but then again something unexpected happened yet again.

Elizabeth ➡ Oh baby.. What’s with the shouting? Did I do something wrong?

Dave ➡ Yes and as a matter of fact, I’m very angry with you.

Elizabeth ➡ What!? But I just saved your life.

Dave ➡ Yes.. I’m grateful for that but what you’re doing now is totally wrong.

Elizabeth ➡ No it’s not. I’m just…

Dave ➡ Nothing you say will convince me. What you’re doing is wrong.

Elizabeth ➡ Why is it wrong? This b-tch kidnapped you. She has to pay.

Dave ➡ Punishing her like this is enough but ki||ing her is too much.

Elizabeth ➡ I’m just adding the finishing touches to put this b-tch out of our lives.

Dave ➡ Please baby.. Don’t do this. This is wrong.

Elizabeth ➡ Maybe but nothing will stop me from skinning this b-tch alive.. MOVE OUT OF MY WAY.

Dave ➡ I won’t let you ki|| her.

Elizabeth ➡ Is that so? Well then, maybe having you watch won’t be a bad idea. I hope you can stand the sight of blood.

Dave ➡ Elizabeth, I’m warning you.

Elizabeth ➡ Really? Tell me sugar, what could you possibly do to stop me?

Dave ➡ If you spill a single drop of blood, you and I are done.

Elizabeth ➡…….. What? ?


? DAVE ?

Some might say what I did was an act of stupidity but in this case, it’s that or nothing.

Psychologically, the concept “breakup” literally puts any man or woman in a state of distraught making either of them to think properly. I’m not a psychologist but I’ve taken a course on it and I’ve learnt some few tricks. Elizabeth who was shocked by what I said, stood like a statue staring at me with disbelief. I’ve never seen her look so disturbed but what bothered me was the fiery look she gave me. She tightened her grip on the knife she was holding not to mention the slight trembling she was doing. At first, I thought she was going to go nuts and attack me but she somehow managed to control the rage inside her and tried to appeal to my better nature. I haven’t been with so many women in my life but I’ve learnt an important lesson while watching other couples and that is taking careful precautions when breaking up with a woman especially the one that has a short fuse or a mental cause they will not hesitate to give you hell.

Elizabeth ➡ Are you seriously suggesting that you’ll break up with me if I murderise this b-tch? I’m doing this for you.

Dave ➡ You don’t have to. This is wrong. You’ve punished her well enough. She doesn’t deserve to die. Please Elizabeth, you don’t have to ki|| unnecessarily.

One thing I’ve learnt about Elizabeth is that ki||ing is her G-spot. It’s like an irresistible urge she can’t get rid off, it’s like having an itch without scratching it. Trying to stop her from doing what she wants was like a tug of war with an elephant. Persuading her from ki||ing this Ijeoma is an impossible feat but hopefully, I hope it works.

Elizabeth ➡ You know.. I’m starting to have second thoughts about us. You’re always holding me back. Don’t do this, don’t do that. I’m tired of it. I thought you loved me for who I am. This is what I love to do and you’re trying prevent me from doing it.

Dave ➡ I fell in love with Elizabeth, not Black Ace. I chose you, not Black Ace. It’s time you made up your mind.

Elizabeth ➡ What are you talking about?

Dave ➡ It’s time for you to choose between me and Ijeoma. If you ki|| her, you lose me forever but if you let her go, I’ll never part with you even if I’m on a gun point. Choose now. I’ve already made mine, it’s time to choose yours.

Watching Elizabeth flinch made me smile inwards. I knew she was trapped between the choices I made for her. She bit her lower lip angrily as she stared at me and Ijeoma. I wasn’t sure which one she was going to choose but there’s one thing that I do know. If Elizabeth chooses to ki|| Ijeoma she knows that she’ll never get anyone that tolerates her wahala like the way I do and she knows she can’t ki|| me either. But honestly though, I can’t afford to lose her as well. Some might say that I’m crazy for falling for a psycho ki||er but Elizabeth is worth saving. There’s still hope that she can have a better life.
After some minutes of deep thinking, Elizabeth uttered an offensive word and then landed a clean cut on Ijeoma’s thigh.

Ijeoma ➡ (screams) ARRRGGHHH!!


Ijeoma ➡ She’s not dead not yet anyway. Put a pressure on the cut to prevent her from bleeding to death. Goodbye.

Within a few seconds, Elizabeth left the room disappearing into the shadows of the night. Well, I have nothing to say about this, she didn’t ki|| Ijeoma so that means we’re still together although I have a feeling that she’s going to h@ťě me for this.
After I had tied Ijeoma’s injured thigh, I used one of Elizabeth’s knives to cut her and her friends loose.

Dave ➡ Let’s get you all to the hospital. Luckily I’ve brought my car along.

Ijeoma. ➡ Thank you… for… saving us.

Dave ➡ Don’t thank me yet. You’re bleeding too much. Let’s get to the hospital quickly. Phew!! This guy needs a bath.

Diana. ➡ Let me help you.

Dave ➡ Are you alright cause you…

Diana. ➡ I said I’m fine. Let’s go.

After that, the 4 of us headed straight to my car and as soon as we had all gotten inside, I kicked up engine and rode straight to the hospital. While I was driving, the lady named Diana began to ask me series of questions.

Diana. ➡ Do you think she’ll back off?

Dave ➡ Yes she will but my advise to you is that you should stay away from her. Wh@ťěver it is you’re trying to do. Stop it.

Diana ➡ What about you? Won’t she despise you for doing this?

Dave ➡ She might but that’s none of your business. Just leave her alone and move on with your lives.

Ijeoma ➡ She’s dangerous and this might not end well for you.

Dave ➡ Maybe but like I said before.. None of your business. Just don’t cross her path ever again. Ever.

Ijeoma ➡ Sure thing. Once again, thank you.

Dave ➡ You’re welcome. Just relax until we get to the hospital.


Next episode ➡ What now???

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