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Friday, October 18, 2024
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A MERMAID’S LOVE – Episode 7

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She looked her in the eye and Ophelia got scared.

Not like she wants to be scared but the look she’s giving her is making her get scared without planning to.

“Cleo’s descendant, I h@ťě people like you” Lotus said and pushed her to the chair instead.

“Lotus I love you!!!!” Bluey screamed.

“I like her” Alec said from the cellists chair.

“Same here” Colton replied beside him.

They’re both best friends too.

“The type of girl I want as a friend” Yolanda smiled.

“Don’t come near me anymore” Lotus said and Ophelia almost entered the chair.

Floyd and Lilac shifted back as Lotus left the class with Constance.

“To the cafeteria” Martin said, leading the way out of the class.

“You’re so cool!” Constance said, touching Lotus’s hair again as she walked to the cafeteria with her.

“What are we eating?” She asked.

“Have you tried fried fish on rice before?, With a mix of veggies?” Constance asked.

“Fish?, Humans eat fish?” Lotus asked shockingly.

“Well..yes, why?, Aren’t you a human too?”

“No…I mean…I don’t want to eat fish, I don’t like it” Lotus replied.

“Hey girls!” Yolanda appeared.

“Crazy Yolanda” Constance smiled.

“I can tag along right?” She asked.

“Of course, please do, Lotus meet Yolanda,best female violinist” Constance introduced.

“You don’t look like us” Lotus said.

“I’m an American” Yolanda smiled.


“And what are you all talking about without me?” Rhythm said, appearing too.

“Gosh” Yolanda said.

“This time I’m not following you, I came for this cutie, hi my name is Rhythm, best female pianist” she waved.

“Hi” Lotus smiled.

“Look I might just steal your hair away” Rhythm said, touching her hair as they continued walking to the cafeteria.

“Humans don’t keep long hair?” Lotus asked.

“Humans?, Aren’t you a human?” Yolanda asked confusedly.

“I mean….

“She just loves talking that way” Constance replied for her.

“Oh humans keep long hair but it’s rare to see a long silky dark smooth soft one like yours, it’s perfect like your skin and face, gosh! I want to kidnap you!” Rhythm said and Lotus smiled.

Goddess Rivera was right about making more friends, they’re flocking around her, admiring her.

She loves it though, at least it won’t be boring in here.

She looked around for any sign of Starr but couldn’t find him till they entered the cafeteria.

“Our cutie doesn’t like fish so…

“Noodles” Lotus interrupted.

“Noodles?” Yolanda asked.

“Yes” Lotus replied and they all went for noodles.

“So…why didn’t you sing well the other time?” Rhythm asked.

“I dunno too” she replied, eating fast.

She finished the noodles within three minutes and Constance got another one.

She finished that and went for the third one.

They all stared at her as she ate with great appetite.

“Wow” Constance said, holding her hair which kept falling into her plate.

The familiar scent filled her nose again and she looked up to see Starr, he’s just entering the cafeteria with his friends.

“Those are our class princess, are you crushing on anyone?” Rhythm asked curiously.

” Crush?” Lotus asked confusedly.

“Do you love anyone?, Like at first sight?” Yolanda asked.

Lotus took another glance at Starr.

“No” she replied.

“But why was Starr holding your hand?” Constance asked.

“He helped me”

“Oh” Yolanda said.

Lotus’s eyes followed the guys everywhere and Starr started looking for her too.

He saw her and smiled.

“Guys let’s join their table” he said, moving there already.

Martin and Bluey followed and when they sat with them, Constance and Rhythm started blushing.

They always sit alone but the fact that they’re sitting with them presently..

“So because of this pretty girl, you sat with us” Yolanda said.

“Who won’t?” Bluey winked.

“Were you scared?, Was that why you didn’t sing well?” Starr asked Lotus.

“I wasn’t scared, I dunno what’s wrong too, guess I have to prepare well” she replied and continued eating.

“You ate three cup noodles already” Martin said.

“Wow” Bluey said.

She finished the one with her and Martin gave her his own.

She ate that too then Starr gave her too.

She almost finished that but she suddenly looked up.

“I’m full” she said and Starr made to give her tissues for her lips but Martin gave her first.


“Martin” he replied.

“Thanks Martin” she said.

“Bluey” Bluey said .

“Ok” she replied, wiping her lips.

“But seriously I want to date you” Bluey said and Martin hit him

“Stop being an @zz” he said.

“I wanna date her” Bluey said again.

“We can date” Lotus suddenly said and everyone faced her.

“Seriously?” Bluey asked.

“Yes, since we both know how many days is in a month, it’ll be easier to know the dates of each day” she replied and everyone exchanged glances before laughing loudly.

“Holy f*xk she’s funny” Martin said.

Ophelia poured away her lunch and left the cafeteria angrily, her two dogs followed her.

“You don’t have to get angry, she can’t even sing” Lilac said.

“Why won’t I get angry when Starr laughs with her like a maniac!, If I touch Starr he’ll wipe the place I touched as if I have a virus but he held her hand into the class earlier and…I don’t even know, I h@ťě her, the fact that her hair is gorgeous and her face is really beautiful…I don’t like it!” she replied bitterly.

“Shouldn’t we plan how to make her leave this school instead?” Floyd said.


“Just how we made Hellen and Kira leave forever… Rooftop” Lilac whispered and Ophelia smiled.



“I’ll be on my way” Nam-Ri said when Lotus came out of the car.

She’s just returning from school.

“Where do you stay?” She asked.

“I just roam around” he replied.

“Why don’t you stay here?”

“No, maybe some other time” he replied and vanished.

Anita rushed out and Lotus hugged her.

“Gist me! gist me!, Your first day at school!” She said quickly.

“It’d have been perfect if not that I messed up during the songs practice, my voice is in a bad shape ion know why” she replied.

“Aww, that’s sad”

“Yes, but I made three friends… Rhythm, Constance and Yolanda… and three males…. Martin, Bluey and………….. Starr” she said.

“Starr sounds special” Anita said.

“Bluey wants us to date”

“Really?, You have a boyfriend now?” Anita quickly asked.

“I love reading numbers though, so counting dates shouldn’t be difficult” she said.

“Oh mermaid you’re so dumb!, Dating is a romantic relationship between two people” Anita said.

“Dumb?” Lotus said, facing her

They’re inside the house already.

Anita covered her mouth.


“Come here!” Lotus chased her but she vanished and she got scared.



No answer.


She slumped on the chair, thinking she’s gone.

“Anita” she muttered.

“Right here eonni!” Anita suddenly said from behind and she spranged up.


She rushed to hug her.

“Don’t leave me, it’ll be too lonely here” she said.

“I won’t, if the grim reaper won’t take me” Anita smiled, stroking Lotus’s hair gently.

Lotus later went upstairs to her room and entered the tub to bath.

She transformed to her mermaid form but the tub isn’t big enough to swim.

She tried singing.

I love solitude!!!!

But under a peach tree!!!!

Where the breeze blows gently!!!

She stopped singing.

“I can still sing in my mermaid form” she said and transformed to a human again.

“I love solitude!

She started coughing like the other time.

“Why can’t I sing as a human?, Goddess I need your help” she said, hoping she’ll appear but she didn’t.

She left the bathroom and changed into comfy clothes then went back downstairs.

“Should I take you to where I was ki||ed?” Anita asked.

“Right now” Lotus replied and they left the house together.

Nam-Ri appeared when they got to the garage.

“No we’ll trek, eonni needs to stroll” Anita said and he left.

“So… humans won’t be able to see us enter this house?” Anita asked.

“No” Lotus replied as they entered the streets.

“How exactly were you ki||ed?” Lotus asked.

“I was burnt with a car that was wet with gasoline” she replied and Lotus quickly faced her.


A short but heavy wind blew immediately and a guy in black appeared.

“Grim reaper!” Anita said and quickly hid behind Lotus.

“I don’t want to go yet” she said.

“Roaming around the world after dying is wrong” grim reaper replied.

“Can’t you just give her more time?, Please not just now” Lotus begged.

“You’re not in the place to beg too cos you don’t belong to this world, let her go, I need to take her” he replied.

“No, she’s my only companion please…

“Let her go!” He said sternly.

“No I don’t want to go, eonni I still want to stay with you” Anita cried.

He started coming closer and Lotus held her tightly.

“She was ki||ed, I have to make sure her ki||ers suffer for their crimes before releasing her” she said.

Grim reaper kept walking closer and she tried using her magic to make them vanish but it’s not working.

“Stop trying” he said and snatched Anita away from her.

“eonni!!!!!!!” Anita shouted.

“Anita!… please!!!”


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