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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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A MERMAID’S LOVE – Episode 3

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It’s obvious that something is happening today, a joyous celebration.

The young fishes are running around the river, chasing each other, their cackles filled everywhere.

The kid mermaids are playing around happily.

Each inhabitant of the kingdom is busy preparing to go to the palace for the festival, princess Lotus’s song tops the menu so no one will wanna miss.

The palace is a beehive of activities right now as different attires came to play.

The palace yard where the festival will take place at has been decorated with paradisiacal lights already, treasures were set from the starting point to the stop, all shinning bright.

Cleo sneaked out of the king’s chamber unnoticed and went back to her room.

She stood in front of the mirror, smiling to herself.

“Now watch as you leave this river for life.. Lotus” she said happily

“Where the hell are my maids!” She shouted and three maids came in.

She slapped the first one immediately and the remaining two shifted back fearfully.

“You guys don’t know you have to dress me up for the festival?, Fools!” She breathed and sat.

They started dressing her up and when she remembered that Sage will finally be hers once Lotus leaves, she giggled and bit her lip slightly.



Watergire has just finished dressing up, his crown was polished again and it shone more.

He’s wearing the ancient ruling necklace already, it’s gold too.

He turned to the table where his golden amulet usually sits but it’s not there.

“Did it change position by itself?, How come” he said and closed his eyes, hoping to see it there when he opens his eyes but it’s not there.

“Where did it go?” He said and the scent came to his nose.

The smell of royal bloods and reigns.

He left his room and started tracing the scent till he got to the princesses chamber.

He continued tracing till he got to Lotus’s door.

The door opened by itself and he went in.

“Royal ather!” Lotus said shockingly, the amulet is in her hands.

“Why is the golden amulet here!!” He roared, making her tremble.

The water started shakiy violently.

“Royal father….I suddenly found it amidst my treasures, believe me father it wasn’t me” she said in defense.

“You dare betrayed me?, I took you as my favorite cos I thought you were worth it!, But now I’m regretting!” He yelled, his eyes shinning blue.

Lotus bowed fearfully.

“Royal father, I swear with my life, it wasn’t me….

Watergire used magnetic force to take the amulet from her.

“Anyone there!” He yelled and two guards came in.

“Take her to the disgrace tree” he ordered and they grabbed her.

“Royal father!!, Royal father!!, Royal father!!!!!” She screamed and her tiny voice almost broke as she got dragged to the lawn where the big tree of disgrace is.

She was tied to it firmly.

“Lotus!” Queen Aqua shouted, rushing out.

“eonni!” Mul came after her.

“What’s happening, why was she tied to the tree!” Cleo said innocently, coming out too.

“She dare steal my amulet?” Watergire appeared.

“Steal?” Aqua said shockingly.

Everyone coming for the festival stopped and watched and it didn’t take long before the place became full.

“She stole the golden royal amulet!” Watergire roared and the water became restless.

? I can’t believe this.

? She has magic already, why would she steal the amulet

? Probably to absorb more powers from it, I could just feel the greed

? No,, princess Lotus can never do that.

? But it was found in her room, on her hands.

? How could she betray his majesty

? I still can’t believe.

Lotus kept looking at everyone,her ears kept absorbing their words and she quickly kept her face down.

Cleo smiled secretly.

“I’m not sorry, you deserve it” she thought.

Sage rushed into the circle and when she saw Lotus, he made to rush to her.

“She stole the royal amulet” Cleo said and he stopped.

He looked at Lotus again and stepped back.

“Your majesty, please temper justice with mercy” Aqua begged.

“Royal father, please have mercy, please forgive her though I know she can never do it” Mul said.

“Are you saying his majesty is lying?” Otis said.

“Curse me if that’s what I meant” she replied quickly.

“Goddess Rivera made the rule about stealing, that anyone who steals, will be banished from here immediately, same applies to her” Watergire said.

“andwae appa, appa andwae!” Mul started crying.

“Your majesty I’m pleading with the crown, please spare her” Aqua begged.

“Royal father, please” Cleo said, just to look innocent.

“Lotus, you broke the law of this kingdom by stealing, I’m following the law of the goddess of this river, you’re banished…. forever” Watergire said.

“No…no don’t do that!, Your majesty!!” Mul cried at his tail together with Aqua but he quickly moved away and spun around, his amulet shone yellow and the light blinded everyone temporarily.

Lotus looked up with wet eyes, she wasn’t affected by the light.

“eomma” she sobbed.

“Mul” she whispered and looked at Cleo.

“I hope you get what you deserve” she said and tears slid out of her eyes as the yellow light sent a large wave.

Her ropes loosened and she got trapped in the wave, it started taking her up the river at a fast speed.

“Lotus!!!” Aqua screamed.

“Lotus!!!!” Mul shouted and their voices entered her ear as she got rolled out of the river.

She landed on the surface and swam to the shore.

It’s night presently in the human world cos their time underwater is different from Earth’s.

Her legs appeared as she stood.

She looked at her legs and then at the river.

She just lost her home at the blink of an eye, just like a dream.

Tears fell from her eyes as she stood, staring at the river.

Only a shinny short skirt and blouse is covering her fresh irresistible body.

She squatted and continued crying hurtfully and as she cried, it started raining heavily.



Starr just finished having the dream again and it woke him up.

He sat up on the bed and saw his window opened though his view is blur.

He’s suffering from night blindness.

He put on his glasses and walked to the window but immediately he shut it, pains gripped his heart and it started hurting hellishly.

“Aarrggghhh!!!!!!” He screamed agonizingly, sweating so much despite the heavy wind blowing outside.

“My heart!, My chest!!!”

His glasses fell as he went on his knees.

” Mum!!!!, Dad!!!!!!, Aarrggghhh!!!!” He screamed again.

It feels like his heart is currently getting hit by something.

Judy and Davis rushed in.

“Honey!” Judy ran to him.

“Starr!” Davis did the same and Judy held his face, sitting on the bare ground in front of him.

“Mum my chest!, Dad it hurts!, My heart!!” He shouted again, more sweat covering him.

” Let’s get him to the hospital!” Davis suggested.

An heavy thunder stuck immediately and Starr passed out.

“Oh my Gosh!, Hospital!!” Judy shouted fearfully.


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