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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?his royal darkness ?
(living in his darkness)

? written by provy?

chapter 51

the news of Mr Lee crumble farm came as a shock to everyone , mr Lee and Erica is no where to be found . the queen herself had tried to reach out to them but it’s pointless because no knows what happened that night . well it’s been 2 days after the mayhem but people still talk about the mysteries happening around them …

meanwhile far up on the mountain top stood Erica who held a jar filled with ashes of her father after cremation , she stared at the verse universe with a sore heart . Gael has already told her about her mother and other important information she needed to know about her origin , she open the jar and pour out the ashes and it whoosh away flying to different direction
“I miss papa ” she mumbled ..

Gael sat inside his cold cave when erica walked in and as soon as he saw her he sigh and sat up .
“what so special about me being a seer and why didn’t my powers surface ever since why now ” she ask
” when Pamela transfered her powers to you , her powers shielded yours from surfacing but you triggered it that night “he explain but she shook her hear negative
” remember the massacre night ” she ask and Gael nodded
” a week after that I started having weird dreams and also I started having this weird memory lane of the past and I also felt this weird expansion in my intellectual capabilities “she explain and Gael nodded
” a seer is an dimensions being who is capable of accessing the past and future , they are one of the hand work of time and their job is to maintain the balance,their powers deals with the creation of the mind .they are one of the first universal creations ,they are older than us .their powers also deals with enlightenment beyound anything in this world ,they are smart men and woman who can crack any code and answer any question thrown at them .”he explained and that was when it down to Erica , the aspect of her being able to formulate theories like it’s a piece of paper .
“I know how to save Kyle ” she finally said and Gael frown
” Kyle is lost and probably dead Erica you have to let go ” he said frowning but she shook her hear negative and smile weirdly
“remember when you said Katherine can jump from body to body ” she ask
” and what does have to do with this ” he ask clearly not impress
” that’s the same thing with Kan , I carefully digest all what you said and finally I came up with the whole chaos curse thing . the reason why there’s no cure for the curse of chaos is because the curse isn’t a curse it’s a possession and body hijack , when you ki||ed Kan he transfered his soul to another body and just to glorify himself he place the flame mark on his victim’s body unlike others he only posses the body of babies and stays hidden then gradually take over the body .. “she explain
” I already know that Erica “he said with an eye roll
“you did and …”
“there’s nothing I can do except you want me to ki|| Kyle ” Gael chirped and she rolled her eyes and folded her arms .

” well since you know all this let me go straight to the point . the only way to get Kyle back is to transfer Kan soul to another body and boom Kyle will be free “she said smiling

Gael took few minutes to process what she said but he scoff seeing another reason why it won’t work . “it won’t work , Kan is complex being. ones he possesses any body he can never leave the body until the body is destroy the only way to transfer Kan soul is if we transfer it to his own original body which is now nothing but ash “he said and she snap her finger and giggled
” that’s what I have been waiting for you to say , we will perform a resurrection spell and bring back his body using his ash then we will transfer his soul back into his body ”

” like seriously are you crazy Kan is powerful in his body it won’t be easy to pin him down and whereas there’s no such thing as resurrection spells because it does exist only necromancer can bring people back to life “Gael said
” wait let me show you something “she said and hurried to the end of the cave then she return with a piece of paper and she handed it to him , he collected it and frown seeing the spell written on it
“where the hell did you get this spell ” he ask shocked
“I don’t know I just kinda wrote it ”

” this is a resurrection spell I mean wow no witch or wizard has been able to make one. except “he frown and glare at Erica and shifted uncomfortable by his glare
“Erica you don’t just use your powers to access the future to get information it’s gonna back fire but let’s forget about that for now and get everything in order . with this spell I will be able resurrect Kan body and push his soul in and let’s hope kyle is still alive . leave all this to me “he said


“Erica mysterious disappearance still baffles me ” Milo said to Matilda who sigh and folded her arms
” their farm suddenly collapse over night and they are no where to be found “she said rolling her tongue on her lips and her eyes locked at Agatha who is busy arranging the bar for closure . it’s time to close she just have to out few things to get her before leaving

“Agatha ” Milo called and Agatha humm and look up
” you should get going the other workers will do that tomorrow” he said
“nah am just gonna put all this together before I leave “she said
” have you gotten any lead on Erica “Matilda ask and Agatha stop cleaning and scoff , see haven’t heard from Gael for the past 2 days after their intercourse season.
“nope but I know she’s safe and sound” she answered and Matilda and Milo nodded hopefully

the entrance door open and Katherine and her armies match in
“we are close and …” Agatha trailed off and frown while katherine grin wickedly
” miss me dear sister ” she said

Milo and Matilda paled up the moment they say Elena , Matilda face flushed white and her heart slam hard in her chest .
“Elena ” she called as she rouse up shock to see her , Katherine frown and turn to them
“my name is Katherine now get lost am not here for you idiots ” she spat and turn back to Agatha who swallowed hard
” came with me or else am gonna drag you out ” she said
“hey why do you sound like that Elena what’s wrong with you “Milo ask
” shut up fool she’s not Elena “Lin snap and Milo sneered
“bastard I wasn’t talking to you ” he spat and Lin gnash his teeth furiously
“you little goat don’t dare me ” he spat

“Lincoln there’s no need to waste you time on him we are here for Trixie”Freya said puff out smoke from her pipe .Milo and Matilda became confuse
” am not coming with you I will never come with you “Agatha manage to say and Katherine smirk , Ruby leaned close to her and whisper something into her ears and Katherine beamed and turn to milo and Matilda
“so they are you friends how wonderful ,now come with me else am gonna ki|| them “she said and Agatha gulped down and turn to her friends
” I…”

“ahhhhh ” Milo and Matilda scream out as they felt a sharp pain in their head like their brain is being moved .
Lin clinch his fist tight while whispering an unknown words with his attention focused on them ,
“my head ahhhhh ” Matilda scream out and collapsed on the floor with blood gushing out of her nose
“stop hurting them please stop ” agatha scream at the awful situation on ground,she tried to run to her friends but Freya grab her and pinned her to the canter table , she wished Gael will just show up and ki|| Katherine ones and for all but most time wishes don’t come true , she knew she has to do something else this psychopath will ki|| her friends ..

Milo narrowed his eyes to Matilda who is already at the bridge of life and dead ,she looks extremely weak and her skin now had turn pale white ..
“ahhhhhh ” Milo scream and his body shook violently , he lifted his head showing off his yellow glowing eyes

“what !” Ruby and Katherine gasp

thick brown hair sprang out at the side of his face and his ears grew longer , his fingers were now replace with long black claws and his teeth grew into longer sharper canine an strong molars and premolar ..

“a wolf.. he’s a ..” Rudy could complete her words when Milo leaped forced , he grab Lin by the shoulder and flung him out of the bar and as soon as he did that Matilda gasp as the spell holding her broke .
“en cinteo ” Ruby shouted and a strong force hit Milo backwards and he crashed at the wine bar , he roared angrily and angrily charge forward .

“$h|t I h@ťě wolf’s ” Katherine yelled , Milo leaped on a table and force himself forward with his claws up high but Freya slam a large wood plank on his chest .
“grahhhh ” he roared and slashed her shoulders very deep
“ahhhhh f-__-k ” she wince and the next she got was a brain cracking punch that sent her out of the bar through the window .

“i-is that m-milo ” Matilda stuttered and Milo pause and turn over to her and his angry expression soften but this gave way for Katherine to strike .

“lu cretio devfron do ” she yelled and Milo shriek out in pain and knelt down while covering his ears due to the loud ringing sound in his ears ..

“c’mon Matilda let’s get outta here ” agatha said and drag Matilda up
“wait what about Milo we can’t leave him here “Matilda said
” he take care of himself now let’s go “Agatha said and drag her away , she kept staring at Milo who is screaming in pain to what ever Katherine is doing to him ..
“that bastard ” Lin roared and wave his hand and a strong punch hit Milo and he slam on the wall which produce a loud thud .
“Katherine the girls are gone ” Freya yelled clinching her bleeding shoulder, Katherine growled furiously
“let’s go now Trixie most not escape” she yelled

” snap “Ruby spat and snap her finger , Milo head swing left forcefully and his neck and a snap sound. he drop on the floor dead ..
“let’s go ” she yelled and they all rush out


xyra stared at her reflection in the mirror and she frown and clinched her fist with anger surging through her veins ,all what Hala fox told her made angrier .
“ahhhh that bastard I need a plan I need to out smart him .I can’t let him ki|| me and take my powers no never,I need a crazy plan something to help me out “she mumbled while wracking her brain for a plan ..

” Kan.. Kan ..Kan , ahhhh ” she scream and punch the mirror and it shattered
” you’re driving me crazy ” she spat and snap her fingers and the mirror pieces reassemble themselves and return to their formal position looking brown new with no crack on it …


?2022 publish ?

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