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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?‍♀️My Bodyguard is a Girl ?
(He’s gay ?/ She’s bad ⚡)

Episode 49?
Penned by: Wise Wisdom

Not edited please bare with me! ?

★Theme: I want to taste you??

❎Do not copy or Repost ❎
I see you! Out came his voice, telling out boisterously.

They froze, the both of them glanced at themselves before narrowing their eyes back at him.

“I see you… Valerie.”
Where you planning on running without saying hi?

He said walking towards their direction, they both played with their fingers while their hands were still intertwined.

Hello Sage, hello Valerie.
He took out his sunglasses.

Etienne, Etienne we…Val and i weren’t trying to run away, we wanted getting… We wanted getting married.

Married? Etienne and Valerie both arched their head to take a proper look at her.

Yes you heard me well, Valerie and i are now lesbians and we wanted getting married today.

Etienne fixated his gaze on Val. “Can you please tell Sage to find a better excuse for the both of you?”

Okay fine, i lied everyone lies. Valerie and i wanted to get fish from over the sea.

Right! Is that so Valerie? His gaze were steadied on her’s.
You both wanted getting fish from the sea?

She heaved in a deep breath, staring into his grey orbs that left her completely speechless.

I can see through you Val. He cooed.
Can we talk, is been long we did that.

No Valerie you shouldn’t talk with him, what if it is a set up?

What if he is planning something against you? Trust me Val trusting him is the worst thing you would do, “you haven’t seen him for six months and now he showed up…”

Will you shut up your mouth Sage? He chirped shutting her up.

Please shut up your mouth and give us chance to talk, i never liked you so am sure the feeling is mutual.

Valerie smiled at his outburst, she has never seen Etienne behaved this way before, there was some sort of passion in his eyes, something she hasn’t seen in a long time.

Sage frowned, her shoulders slumped defeated, she took a brief look at Valerie for support but got none.

Fine! Sage slumped shoulders once again in disbelief, she won’t be able to recover from the disappointment Valerie has given.

I give you both ten minutes to talk or else i will go back and tell mom you are having a discussion with Etienne and you know what that means.

On sending venting out her anger she stormed off in anger.

Your friend still h@ťěs me i don’t blame her, i almost ki||ed her the last time we saw.

“Ahem!… She cleared her throat.” She’ll get over it, she said averting her gaze towards the beach.

Can we stroll while we talk?

Hmm! She hummed in reply.

The walked pass the beach in quietness, the cold weather did no good as it kept sending shivers to her body, she felt so vulnerable right now, his presence seems to have her humbled.

“How have you been Val?
You look terrible!”

She chortled shortly.

I have been here, hiding from the world, so far so good no one has found me until you showed up.

He nod, satisfied by her replies.

And you! you look better than expected… I am sorry i didn’t mean it in the wrong way.

No.. No it’s fine! “I have been working on my self” I left my father’s company, for good this time.

He sighed, his both hands landed on his head, he shift a bit as his elbow came in contact with her skin.

So what have you been up to since then?

Travelling, i visited five new countries i have never been to, like: “South Africa, Australia, South Korea and Italy.”

Italy! She coughed as she frantically gasped.
What were you doing there?

I went there to see beautiful places and people, i ended visiting the famous Almafi Coast and Lake Como.

You had fun i guess?
She smiled warmly at him.

I did! I visited Paris as well, i went back to visit Macron’s corpse at the graveyard and ended buying a big restaurant that Macron loved so much, i named it after him.
So in other words am a restaurant owner.

Her smile fade into a frown, she felt guilty.

Am sorry about your friend Macron, i don’t know what you may be going through but am sorry that my actions affect you.

“Your actions did affect me Zane…” She turned towards him the moment she heard that name.

Uh.. Am sorry, it just came out you should know am more used to that name than Valerie.

Her lips curled into wide grin. “I missed hearing that name, so am not upset.”

Amusement twinkled in his eyes as his features relaxed into a smile.

I think i should be on my way now, it was nice meeting you again Valerie: Am afraid if i stay much longer it won’t be nice and you and your family won’t find my presence comfy.

Her hands moved idly over her palm, worry knot in her stomach; “if he leaves she would never see him again, this she was sure of.”

Your house is close by?
I mean… She cleared her throat that now sounded hoarse due to the sad waves of emotion she was feeling.

“I mean do you live near by? Is it.. How- how far is it?” She stuttered in fear not being able to see him again, she needed to device a means to make him stay back.

My house isn’t that far, you take a walk down near the bridge and you’ll few houses, mine is the third.

I see! Her voice were weak and wobbly.
okay then good bye.

Take care Valerie, i don’t know if we will meet again all the same is nice to meet you once again.

So when will you be leaving?

Whoa why does it sounds like you are chasing me away?

“What! no am not, am only asking.”

Tomorrow morning, am leaving first thing tomorrow morning.

Alright then, take care!.
Mine if i ask how is Fleur?

She’s super good so i heard. I left the house five months ago so we spoke through the phone.
She and Andrew are dating, try seem fine.

That’s nice to hear, and Corentin is he well?

He misses me, and he is always asking about his new blue eyes friend uncle Zane.

Her cheeks turned red
I do miss him too, is been so long.
I guess they are back in Paris?

Yeah they left a long time ago.

I will take my leave now.

Etienne ~~~ ?
He walked back to his house, his eyes glinted in triumph. He stared at his well furnished room, Hawaii definitely is a glorious place to live in.

You did a good job Etienne, you did a good job! He whispered repeatedly to himself.

The darkness of the night came sooner than expected, worry was etched on Valerie’s face the whole time, she was tempted to go in search of him but a part of her pulled her back.

What if he still h@ťěs you? What if it was truly a trap as Sage has said?

“What if… What if?” Those words were on replay in her head, she paced the room she and Sage shared in turmoil.

Okay tell me girl, do you still want to see him before he goes?

Sage inquired as she slumped herself on the bed. “Her eyes were getting exhausted by watching Valerie pace round the room like a lost lady.

Yes! Valerie cooed, her shoulders fell slumped down in defeat.

Then go and see him before he goes.
I promise to keep my mouth shut so your mom won’t make a fuss and spoil the mood for the both you, “so go on dear.”

“Thank you Sage!”

She swiftly got changed into a white long sleeve and black short then jumped out through the window.

She was able to trace his house as he described; the third house, she told herself.

Come on Val let’s give it a trail, if you don’t you’ll never know how it would turn.

She planted a soft knock the door, feelings of rejection overwhelmed her so she quietly turned back, but it was too late as the door went open.

Zane! He called out.

She arched her body to face him properly.

“Good evening Etienne” She smiled nervously.

What brings you here? He uttered, his face carried a stern look on.

“… I wanted to tell you that”… Well! what i want to say is. ” I love you, i love you so much Etienne. ”

He swallowed hard gazing down at her while she stared at the ground.

Strangely her mind wanted to count the sands that came in contact with her legs knowing fully well that it’s impossible.

Don’t you think is a little bit too late to say that now? When i wanted hearing those words so badly from you, you held back so why say it now?

I was foolish Etienne, though i was foolish i wanted protecting you, i felt it was the right thing to do so i had to.

“That’s enough Zane..”
He itch his hair in discomfort: he just called her Zane once again, dammit he needs to get the name Valerie craved in his brain.

Valerie please go home and sleep well.

He slammed the door on her face and went inside, she fell to her knees making her arms meet with her knees; she sobbed at the pain she felt inside her heart.

Suddenly she felt the door open behind her, she jerk up standing to her feet, her eyes were teary already.

So what were you thinking! That i was really going to ignore you?

He pulled her inside, his face only a few inch away from her’s.

She could smell the husky cologne oozing from what he was wearing and that alone intoxicated her.

He cleaned the tears off her face and pecked her chin (jaw)

Her eyes flickered over to him, they gazed into each others eyes with same demanding expression on their faces

He smirked at the expression she had on, he broke free from the stares and placed a bolt to the door.

“He took a few steps closer, his eyes blinked predatory” he swallowed the knot in his throat.

Their faces were only a few miles away, “the closeness ki||ed her, it was pure torture to her his scent kept enticing her nostrils; making her feel heat within her legs.”

Triumph came out to life in his eyes and without consent he swept his lips over her’s but hurriedly broke the kiss.

The kiss was brief but yet it held so much demands and passion in it.

Valerie blushed, she saw lust an love in his eyes and she felt wanted, she knows he wanted her as much as she wanted him, she prayed her cheeks didn’t look like a twin torches.

f-__-k Val, i want to take you here and now so badly. “His breath fanned her face,” she Mõ@ɲed as his words left her horny than expected.

She dive her hands into his soft hair, his hands ran it’s way down her waist till it landed on her butt, he squeezed on it earning a soft Mõ@ɲ from her.

She wrapped her hands tightly around his neck as he growled raising her up to his torso, his hands tugged onto her hair trying to part her lips, his mouth slid it’s way over to her neck sending swift bite to the soft flesh on her neck, her eyes shut open as her lips parted letting out a muffled whimper.

Etienne’s finger trailed higher to the front of her short, his touch brief and gentle.

Her lips parted letting out a gasp, Etienne took good advantage of the minute and slid his tongue into her mouth; his tongue was warm and it tasted incredibly sweet to her.

He nibbed and licked her lips sucking on it’s sweetness, his licks were possessive and firm, her body tensed as she took full activeness in the kiss

He dropped her @zz on the chair and undo his button bit by bit, she groaned out in frustration.

“Oh Etienne you are so slow” she whimpered through words.

He smirked looking down at her, he needed no sooth sayer to tell him she needed him so badly.

Patient darling, it’s only remaining three buttons to go. He smirked and winked at her.

She slapped his hands away and tore his shirt off.

Feisty aren’t you? He remarked pecking her chin.

She groaned staring at the singlet he had on, $h|t stop with the torture and f-__-k me, i beg of you!

Her voice, low as it seems to be buried in her throat.

No…not yet feisty! His hands grazes through her Ɲīpplës: her Ɲīpplës stood rigid through her clothes, he smirked at the effect he had on her, he loved it… He loved her.

Her body reacted to the touch in the positive way ever, sending a course of pleasure blooming through her.

He kissed, devouring over every side of her mouth, he was mesmerized by the taste of her full bottom lips.

He helped in pulling off her short, revealing her brief that was plastered well on her pvssy.

She was wet beyond measures, her juice stained on her brief left her exposed.

Gosh! You are so f-__-king wet darling, he said kissing the wet region.

He opened his mouth and sucked her through her brief, she screamed out in pleasure as his finger brushed her pvssy before pushing it to the side, she cooed as the cool breeze washed over her exposes pvssy.

Ssh darling! Take a deep breath, you’ll enjoy it.
He muttered, his voice sound husky.

Etienne ran his finger hungrily round her pvssy
Dammit feisty you are so f-__-king wet for me.

Please! Please! She begged.

Don’t beg me darling, he nibbed her lips, her breath increased panting heavily.

He parted the lips of her pvssy and gently presses his tongue against the entrance, sliding his tongue ski||fully into her pvssy leaving her to wonder if he had a woman back in Paris whom he practice with.

The thoughts alone churned jealousy in her.

Stop Etienne! She jerk up, he stood up and stared at her, taken aback by the tune she used.

Anything the matter! Did i do anything wrong?

“While you were in Paris, did you had any woman in your life?” “Whom you always practice stuff like this with?”

His brows arched in awe but then a smile crawled it’s way up to his lips.

Don’t tell me you are jealous? He watched her pretty reaction, he can’t believe she was bickering over this issue.

Why won’t i? She murmured.

I went for extra lesson darling, believe it or not.
I knew i would be coming back for you!

She turned with a smile.
Am sorry i had to spoil the mood, i couldn’t help the jealously i felt a minute ago, i h@ťě sharing what i believe to be mine.

He laughed shortly. Come here you.

She blushed sliding herself into his arms.

Now feisty am not going to take it easy on you.

He led her over to the bed sending electrifying kisses on her neck, he kissed and nibs long enough to leave a hickey

Without much ado, his hands undo her brief, a breathless whimper left her lips as she experience another sensation growing inside of her.

He soaked his finger in his mouth and gently slid it against her entrance, it started of slowly until he began pumping in and out of her, making her pvssy clench and grip unto his finger.

~~~ Valerie ?
I felt an unexplainable feeling as he performed wonders down my pvssy, the thought of his Ç0çƙ flew into my mind.

How good it would feel having him fully buried inside of me.

My head flew back as a loud Mõ@ɲ parted my lips.

“Look at me baby, don’t look else where, look at me!” Etienne muttered lustfully.

Slowly i opened my eyes to get a good view at him, f-__-k his voice held so much effect on me now more than ever.

I could hear his Mõ@ɲs and husky whispers as he finger f-__-ked me.
d@mn! It felt so f-__-king good.

Com for me darling, i want to taste you feisty.

His voice was rough this time making me more wet than i was already.

His pace became rough than ever, sliding in and sliding out of me.

Oh f-__-k! Etienne.
I screamed Mõ@ɲing out his name, loud enough to wake the neighbors.

He slipped in two more fingers in me, it felt a bit painful but still pleasurable.

I wasn’t a virgin but i was still d@mn tight.

A very familiar pressure began building within my pvssy, my hips charge and i began grinding my pvssy alongside his hands.

f-__-k that’s it, Com for me feisty!

A soft and low cry emitted out of my mouth as i came undone in his hands.

Etienne smiled in satisfaction and slid his fingers out of me, he surprised me by taking his hands into his mouth, and licked off my juice.

I lay there panting heavily, as he went up on his feet, he took off his singlet leaving my heart to flutter at a shirtless Etienne.

He furiously crashed against his lips against mine, i wrapped my hands around his neck trying to gain access into his mouth, he broke the kiss and stared into my eyes.

‘I love you Valerie’ he whispered.

I moved my hands, wrapping my hands round his waist and flipped us over.

I kissed and bit his lips hungrily intertwining our hands, our breath became uneven.

We tossed around kissing as if our whole lives depended on it: I knew he wanted me, same way i wanted him to bury himself deep inside my womb.

He squirmed out of my grip and undressed me, slowly peeling off my shirt.

His lips moved to my flat Břě@šť, he glanced at them for a while before kissing them gently.

“These oranges seem to have grown bigger!”

I laughed at his remark.

He sucked onto my Ɲīpplës while his other hand played teasingly on my right Břě@šť.

He kissed his way to my pvssy, his hands trailing it’s way through my Břě@šť, he spread out and looked in between my legs in an admirable way.

His face fanned my pvssy, soon after his tongue followed darting between my slick folds, his lips devoured it like it’s culprit.

My back arched, he dragged me closer sucking my pvssy with his tongue, his teeth were not left in the torture as he eats me clean with them.

His licks were soaked with impatient and full with desire.

My hands found their way to his thick hair, i felt my juice glistened round his lips.

A loud Mõ@ɲ coax from my mouth as he washed me clean, my toes curled and my eyes rolled up in pleasure.

His tongue dive in my mouth with uncontrollable th-ru_st.

He got up and impatiently undid his zip, i tried helping out but he slapped my hands off.

“Tonight is about you feisty ” His pulled down his short as soon as he unzip his trouser.

My eyes widen at his size, his Ç0çƙ was long firm and rigid with veins on it.

$h|t there is no way he won’t tear me tonight.

He lined his Ç0çƙ against my wet entrance my body radiated sparks in an uncontrollable way.

He slid the head of his Ç0çƙ inside of me, a soft gasp escaped my mouth.

“Sorry darling, tell me when you get comfortable okay?”

He stayed calm for a bit, for me to adjust to his wight right after his hips began slamming with my bottom, his hips slapped with mine as he roughly increase his pace.

I threw my head back as i Mõ@ɲed out his name.

After rounds and round of good love making he came undo, right inside of me.
… T. B. C
I would have typed longer but my hands are paining me… ?
Valerie sha has problem which one is Stop Etienne? Right inside the sweetness ??

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