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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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My ?
( A sweet pretence )
Genre: Fantasy and Romance
Written by Gbemi ❤️
Chapter Thirty

“Marry me and I promise to make you the most luckiest bride in the world. Ben said as he waited for a reply from Claire.

“Ben”She called as she closed the box in his hands.

He has been nothing but a great friend and also a very understanding one at that . She knew that if she ever decides to open up her heart to a man again. It will be to Ben but she isn’t ready. Not even when years have gone by.

“I can’t Ben. You don’t deserve someone like me. You deserve someone better. A woman who will love and cherish you like you deserve. Am not that woman Ben and I don’t think I ever will be “she replied feeling bad that she had to refuse.

“I get it. Your not ready to commit yourself again. Am willing to wait”He replied.

“But Ben….”

“Am willing to wait Claire and you want to know why? Its because you are very important to me. Take your time but don’t keep me waiting for ever. I will come visit some other day”He said as he kissed her on her forehead before sauntering out if the visitor room..

She felt sad and guilty for making him leave that way. She thought as she went for her next class.

It was the end of the day and while preparing to go home. She was summoned by the Head of the school.

“I know you must be surprised by me asking for you but this couldn’t wait”Mr Frank began smoothly.

“What can I help you with sir?”She asked softly.

“As you know Susan has been accepted into Bradford music school. She is a minor and still young. I would like it if you can accompany her to Singapore to see things through for her. Have approached other teachers but they keep on saying no. You are the closest to her and as we all know. Susan is an orphan. Please say yes and go with her”Mr Frank said

“You can even take it as a sort of holiday. Two weeks in Singapore, having the relaxation you deserve. You just have to take Susan and see that all is well before you come back .”He added

“Can i think about it?”She asked and he nodded.

“Its just going to be for two weeks”Claire said as she spoke to her grand mother on the phone.

“Then go. You said he offered you two weeks of holiday. Accompany Susan and get a break. You need it” Celine said

“But isn’t it too far?”Claire asked a bit unsure.

“Its not and besides You’ve grown a liking to Susan. You should be there to see that she gets the necessary things she need” Celine said

“Fine then. I will go”She returned and spoke for a while with her grandma before switching off.

Ever since Andrew death. She hasn’t leave NewYork . She really hope that her going to Singapore will give her the relaxation she needs.

They arrived in Singapore only to be told that the school hostel was currently full and that they were working on things to create accommodation for Susan.

They booked them into a little hotel which was a bit shabby and told them to stay there until they received a call from them.

Claire got annoyed. She could very well cope with the hotel being shabby but what she couldnt tolerate was that they were treating them like some sort of burden. Like they were a nuisance that needed to be gotten rid of.

Susan pleading towards Claire not to do anything had dissipated when a maid had told them to get their food themselves.

Claire had insisted on talking to the head of Bradford international.

She had made a scene and had thr_@tened to call the press and make it known of the way they were being treated when his personal assistant showed up saying she has been granted an access .

“Your frowning a lot?”Susan said as she stared at Claire who was getting dressed.

“I need to be strict with them. If I don’t they will ride over us all over again. You were given the scholarship and instead of preparing a hostel for you. They brought us to a shabby hotel where we are treated like dirt. Once I get to talk to her. I will make her get a earful but I won’t jeopardise your Scholarship”Claire said as she finished getting dressed.

They were driven to Bradford international by a chauffeur arranged by the assistant of the company.

Claire and Susan gazed around. Enjoying the view. They got into a traffic jam and while they wait. Susan showed Claire the picture she took.

She didn’t know what urged her to look up but she did only to be shocked by the person who was in the car beside them.

He was whistling while he had waited for the traffic jam too. There was no mistake about it . Claire thought as she kept starring at him.

As if he sensed her gaze on him. He stared at her too and Claire knew that it was him.

Andrew sat just a distance away, starring at her. She thought as she her heart did a lot of happy tumble while starring at her husband.

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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