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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?? The Alpha’s Luna Is A segz Freak ??

Solely penned by ✍️
? Author Kelvin Iwuchukwu ??

Strictly 18+ ??

Chapter 14

Logan stared at the phone as it rang, he could tell from the corner of his eye that Orla was staring at him. If he didn’t answer this call now, his father would be mad at him, and Orla might also feel that he was hiding something.

After a little hesitation, Logan tapped on the green icon and accepted the call, he placed the phone by his right ear immediately.

“Father,” he said solemnly, as he fondly referred to his old man. It might be funny to the ears but Logan thinks it’s childish to call his father ‘Dad’. He found the word ‘father’ to be more formal.

“Logan, I have been getting a lot of reports lately and I hope you have good explanations for them.” The old man’s voice sounded from the other side.

Logan sighed and looked at Orla, she turned her face the other way but he knew for sure that she could hear his father’s voice. Even a regular human will be able to hear the voice of the old Alpha coming from the other end of the phone, let alone a werewolf.

Logan turned back to the steering wheel. “Father, I don’t understand what you mean,” he replied in pretense. Of course he did understand, he knew exactly what his father was talking about.

If the old man was here with him, then he wouldn’t have tried to lie to him. Werewolves can detect when people lie from reading the movement of their lips and their heartbeat.

Even though Logan got away with lying at times by ensuring to keep a steady rate of heartbeat and a normal facial expression. The pupils tend to dilate and the eyelashes tend to blink more often when people lie: these are factors that help werewolves tell apart a lie and a truth, except when dealing with experienced people.

“Save the act for your mother, I want you to know why you have been negligent towards your duty to the company. There are so many reports of your absence during work hours and no one knows where you go off to.

Listen Logan, I am not questioning your capability to run the company, I just want to know that I have not made a mistake making you the CEO.

I stepped down from that position months ago because I believed that you were ready, or was I wrong? What is going on, son?” The old man queried.

Logan sighed. “Father, it’s not what you think it is, I promise.” He muttered softly.

“What do you mean? Is there something going on that I am not aware of?” He asked.

Logan stared at Orla again and she kept her eyes out of the window while picking her fingernails. He chuckled at how terrible she was at acting.

She was the reason for most of his disappearance lately at work, but he had no idea how his father knew about it. The old man obviously had a spy but Logan had no idea who it might be.

“Father, I know that I have been distracted lately but there is a reason for that,” he replied.

“It better be a good one. I mean, you haven’t even submitted the files I asked you to submit to me. I called your secretary and she made me know that the files had not even been sorted out. What is feeding on your time, son?”

“Father, I can’t explain over the phone. I will come back home tomorrow and we can talk about it. Meanwhile, I have the files you asked for, I will bring them with me,” he replied.

His father sighed over the phone and Logan imagined him shaking his head: that was a regular thing for his old man.

“Alright son, I will be waiting for you here at home, it better be worth my time.” He concluded from the other side of the phone.

“Okay father, I will see you then.” He finalized and hung up.

He turned to Orla and she smiled mischievously. “So someone has been a lazy boy, huh?” She asked jokingly.

Logan chuckled. “I do have my reasons, Missy.” He teased.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes at him. “Your father sounds strict, he still uses a cane on you, doesn’t he?” She joked.

Logan found that funny. “He is an Alpha, Orla… he doesn’t need a cane to make you behave,” he replied and moved the car.

Orla huffed. She looked out of the window for a while but the silence between them was haunting, and so she turned back to Logan.

“So do you care to tell me where we are going? Or am I kidnapped, Mr. Logan… isn’t that Scottish by the way, what are you doing so far from home?” She started.

Logan sighed. “A typical lady. Asks four questions in one sentence,” he muttered and shook his head, she giggled.

“We are going to my house,” he answered.

She wrinkled her eyebrows at him. “What do you mean? I mean… you just told your father that you won’t be coming home till tomorrow, so where are we headed?” She queried.

“I told you, we are going to my house,” he replied again.

Orla scoffed at him and looked out of the window with a crumpled face. Logan smiled, he loved to see her be dramatic.

“Fine, I will explain… There is pretty much nothing to explain though. I am taking you to my private house, but tomorrow I will be going to the family house. But Luke seriously, you didn’t expect that I’d still be living under my parent’s roof at this age, did you? I am not some high school kid, okay?” He uttered sarcastically.

She sighed and turned back to face him. It’s strange how they go hot and cold all the time. One minute she is pissed off and doesn’t even want to look at him, the other she is all smiles.

“So you have a private house? What happened to the slogan, ‘We are stronger in Packs?’ I thought it was the wolf’s way of life,” she muttered.

He smiled. “You make it sound like you are not one, you can’t deny your identity. Anyway, I choose to stay away from the Pack because the world is changing, Orla.

The relevance of our lifestyles are decreasing and so is our culture. Now, we just want to blend in with the humans and live like they do, but that doesn’t change who we really are- we will always be different from them.” He stated.

Orla nodded softly. He was right about her, she always tried to keep that side of her dead, she doesn’t listen to the animal or even let him out. It was since her encounter with Logan that the poor creature began to gain a little freedom

The sight of him alone wakes up the wolf in her and cravings as well. She still fought to keep the creature inside, she believed her life was better off as a human.

“So what if there is war or a need for the pack to come back together?” She asked

Logan smiled and turned his attention to the wheels. “If there is ever a need for the pack, then I just have to howl… one loud howl and they will all come racing to me.” He said proudly.

Orla felt excited to hear him say those words, she loved it when the Alpha of her pack forces the betas and omegas to shift and cone running to him in the middle of the night, at times against their wish. No one disobeys the Alpha.

She was still young as of that time and so the Alpha’s call had no effect on her. Children never listen, not even to the Alpha.

At that young age, she was still full of life and hope. She would always imagine being the Alpha: she will constantly play a scene in her head where she forces people to shift forms with her howl. Now, all that crossed her mind was how to survive a day without segz, which was likely impossible.

Orla braced the car seat when Logan suddenly made a turn and parked in front of a gate.

“Hey!! That’s no way to drive a car!!” She yelled at him.

“Sorry Ma’am, maybe you should take the wheels next time,” he replied with a smile. He had done that on purpose to annoy her, he was starting to get fond of seeing her be sarcastic when angry.

Logan honked twice and the gate was rolled open. He drove in immediately, smiling at the gateman as he drove past.

He drove into the garage and parked the car. It was dark already, so he won’t be going anywhere with it tonight.

Orla didn’t wait for him to open the door for her, even though she knew he intended to. Before he could get to her side of the door, she had already stepped out.

Orla looked around and noticed there were four other cars in the garage, they were really nice cars and she was amazed.

“Come with me,” Logan instructed as he walked out to the compound, seeing that she didn’t need his help.

She followed immediately, only to pause the moment she stepped out to the compound. It was dark but she was amazed by the sight of the mansion.

The building had two floors aside from the down floor, and a boy’s quarters at one end. It was a magnificent building with beautiful chandeliers on each balcony.

The outside of the building was painted in a beautiful gray color but the inside of the balcony was white color. Orla loved the pattern of tiles used for the threshold, even though it posed a thr_@t of making someone slip when it rained.

The windows were glasses, a push out pattern rather than the usual side push. She didn’t miss out the security house by the gate, it was bigger than her whole house. She wondered if the security man had his family there as well.

She sniffed around and she could smell life, aside from the gateman. She could tell that they were all humans: Logan obviously didn’t want creatures as workers and that was okay to some point

“Orla, come on,” he uttered, bringing her attention back to him. He smiled as he noticed she loved the house, he could feel the excitement all over her.

Well, who wouldn’t fall in love with such a nice house? He had spent a fortune on it.

To be continued!!

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