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Friday, October 18, 2024
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? Ciscawrites ✍️?

? RATED ? PART 2: ?



Skylar ?️

Logan has asked me for a walk with him. For the first time since we got married, Logan has asked me for a walk?

Just the usual, he asked me how I was feeling. Like he was anxious of something.

Not that I’m actually complaining tho, I’m just surprised that’s all. He always asked me how I was but this time, it’s like… I don’t even know.

“Are you still meeting with King Darius?” I asked.

*Yes, but that will be next week.”

“Don’t tell me you postponed it because of me. ”

” Honestly, it is. Skylar, I can’t leave you, especially now we’re newly married. I know it sounds crazy, yes but that’s just the truth. ”

I chuckled.

” What? ”

” Now, I’m seeing who the baby is. ”

” Hey, I’m not a baby, okay. ”

” Of course you are.. at least to me. ”

He scoffed. ” I’m still not a baby. ”

I Mõ@ɲed painfully as I felt a rough sting in my belly. If possible like something was holding my intestines.

Logan, stopped holding me. “Are you okay?” He asked, I could sense the full concern in his voice.

“Yeah, sure.” I lied, looking at his concerned face. I knew well that wasn’t convincing. “It’s nothing to be bothered about.”

“Skylar are you sure? ”

” Babe, I’m fine. Okay? It’s really nothing. ” I said trying to sound serious.

But inside me, I wasn’t feeling good. I mean, I can’t even feel myself anymore. It’s all like I’m feeling weaker, so weak and neause.

Hold on..

I’m not…

“Babe, I don’t think I’m feeling…”

What ever happened next, that’s something to find out later.


“Someone call the physician!” Logan cried as he banged the hallway door open. “Call the physician!”

He laid her on the bed. Not quite long, the royal physician walked in with his equipments in his hands.

“What’s wrong with her?” He asked anxiously even before the physician could make a start.

The physician studied her both eyes, then her pulses. Then looking at the king, he said. “Her highness is okay. She’s only suffering from a fever.”

“A fever?”

“Yes. If what I’m thinking is right, then I’m guessing she has been with this fever for a long time. ”

” She never told me she has a fever and she never looked sick. ”

” Women are secretive, my Lord. You can never predict their thoughts. But rest assured, it’s not a severe fever. ”

Just then priestess Yennifer walked in. Her eyes trailed from king Logan to Skylar as she laid unconscious on the bed.

“What happened to her?” She asked.

“We need to talk.” He said and they both left the room for the physician.

“Is there any problem, my Lord?” She asked again.

“I don’t know. The physician said she’s suffering from a sickness she’s been with for a long time. What does that mean? ”

” I can’t say without checking on her condition. Let’s hope it’s not a serious case. ”

” Why would she be hiding such thing from me? ”

” Now is not the time to ask such questions, all we have to do is pray her condition is not worth to take her life. ”

After an hour, the physician invited them in. All thanks it wasn’t sad story, but when the physician spat the good news… Logan looked happy and confused at the same time.

” Congratulation, Sire, Her highness is pregnant. ”

Priestess Yennifer tried as much as possible to hide the true feeling in her with the broadest smile on her face.

For inside her she knew this was just the beginning… The beginning of a new prophecy.

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock. Says the time.

It’s only but a few months left for her to live.


“You need to tell her the truth.”

“No, not now.”

“Then when? ”

” She just found out she’s pregnant, we mustn’t let her know now. ”

” When are you planning on telling her? ”

” When the right time comes. Right now, we pretend like we don’t know anything. ”

” Count me out. I came back because of this, to let her know what the prophecy has for her and her child and you’re telling me this? ”

” Crystal, for the sake of Skylar and her child, have this hidden. This will only hurt her… She needs time. ”

” There’s no more time, my lady. The only time we have is now. Skylar must know the truth. ”

” What truth? ” She asked, faintly.

Leaving priestess Yennifer and Crystal staring at themselves awkwardly.


Who do you side with?




To Be Continued…

Cisca Writes ?

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