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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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We h@ťě Each Other

By Genevieve E.?



No, that’s not true mom.. you won’t do that to anyone, Jared said confidently.

Son that’s the whole truth, Sarah said crying.

Dad! Jared called out to his father.

He so much wanted to hear that his perfect mom was pranking him.

Your mom is saying the truth son, his dad said and Jared slumped back on his chair.

No one said a word.

They just stared on.

Alondria was mute.

No one know what was going on in her mind.


Don’t son me!

Jeez mom, I would have put my life at stake if need be just to prove that you won’t ever do something like this to your fellow woman!

Son please, I know I was wrong..

And you are still wrong! You had the guts to even send your spies to watch her after all you did?

I didn’t mean anything bad, I was just jealous, Sarah said face palming her self.

Just jealous? Alondria asked for the first time.


Please don’t give me that look Sarah, I love you so much that it hurts.

To me you were the perfect mother who deserved the best.

All I wanted since i met you was to make you happy.

I even accepted to marry your wh-_-re of a son because you paid my moms hospital bills.

It was like I met an angel.


You married me because mom paid your moms hospital bills? It truly was for the money all along, Jared said with pain in his tone.

All the while he had those suspicions, all he felt was anger but hearing her say this right now broke his heart more than he expected.

For the money? Alondria asked turning to him.

How much have you spent on me since I married your sorry @zz? she asked and Jared kept mute.

I married your sorry @zz to help Sarah, I thought she was one of the sweetest people I ever met, its a shame….

SAS, I know you are pissed with me right now but I didn’t plan for things to happen this way, i love my husband and it was painful seeing him get lost again staring at her at the wedding, I swear I was just…

What about my mom?

What about the woman who is supposed to be your friend?

Now I understand why you were stuttering on seeing her at the hospital.

She forgave you despite ruining her love life, despite sleeping with her drunk boyfriend.

To think you befriended her just to snatch her man.

I thought you were another angel like my mom, but no, you are a f-__-king wolf!

Alondria! Ruby yelled.

No mom, you can’t shut me up.

All through the years I watched you suffer, I watched you cry, we lost dad, we lost everything, dads houses, his businesses, we kept running, relocating, for what exactly? Alondria yelled.

You know we had to move constantly for some reasons Dria, Ruby replied softly.

What reason mom?


You couldn’t tell me dad was murdered, right?

Your dad wasn’t murdered, he was just…

Stop lying mom, I’m no longer a kid, even Eliot won’t believe this cheap lie.

What do you…

What I mean is that I saw everything, I watched William’s dad murder my dad in cold blood.

Dria, but you told me…

What was I supposed to tell you?

That that son of a Ɓîtçh stabbed dad repeatedly,as if that wasn’t enough, he lit dads clothes up, then the bags, then the whole house, was I supposed to tell you I was saving myself while I watched my dad get murdered in cold blood? Alondria yelled, tears pouring out of her eyes.

Ruby couldn’t hold back her tears, she didn’t know Alondria saw everything, she didn’t know her husband was stabbed too.

She didn’t know the details.

She couldn’t believe her daughter was brave enough to bear all that and not break down even once.

My child, I never knew it was like that, trust me we wouldn’t have allowed this to happen if we knew, Justin said.

The only person who wasn’t crying in the room was Tom the body guard who stood facing the door.

SAS, I’m so sorry, Sarah pleaded tearfully.

I h@ťěd Harry all through the years, I wondered what dads offense was.

I wondered why mom was always on the run.

Now I find out its all because of you?

It was all your fault!

You slept with your friends boyfriend, abandoned yours cruely making him come after everyone close to you.
I lost my dad.

Mom lost her husband and the love of her life too.

We became poor all because of you?

And all you say is sorry?

You still dragged me into this God forsaken marriage, all because I wanted to help!

Hearing this made Jared who has been drowning in his own guilt feel very bad.

She regrets getting married to him and its all his fault.

He was defending the wrong person, punished her without asking.


Our lives are in mess, for what reason?

Because one person decided to be greedy and ruin it.

Why? She yelled breaking into tears as she fell on her mom who consoled her

I h@ťě you…. alot, she cried holding her mom so tight.

Jared made to touch her but she slapped his hands off.

Don’t you dare touch me!

I’m filling for a divorce, I can’t do this any longer, she said in a determined tone.

Alondria no, you can’t do this, Jared pleaded.

Don’t touch me! Is this not what you have always wanted, to be away from me? To have the house to yourself and your whores?

Please, I don’t want a divorce, I know I have been a jerk but I promise to fix things from now on,please baby.

You can’t fix things Jared, you didn’t when i hoped you would.

Your sons marriage is at the verge of crashing Sarah, you ruined something again, Justin said wiping the little tears in his eyes.

Let’s go mom, Alondria said pulling her mom up.

You taught me everything i need to know about self defense, I promise I will practice more and I’m going to bring justice to dad, Alondria said cupping her moms hands in hers.

I can’t let you do that, Harry is far too dangerous for you, leave it for me, I will make sure I get revenge for us, Ruby replied.

No, I can’t risk that mom, I have to do this.

I think we need to tell her, Ruby said aloud to everyone’s hearing.

Are you sure? Justin asked standing up.

Tell me what? Alondria asked in surprise.

Nobody said a word, Justin and Ruby only stared at each other.

Justin cleared his throat, you see… your mom and I…

Uhm.. the reason i went to see your mom few days ago was because of Harry.

Your mom has almost all the information we need to finally get the revenge we all have always wanted, Justin said and Alondria faced her mom

Mom? How were you able to do that? She asked.

You see I… I… gosh I’m sorry, I dont know how you are going to react to this confession.

What’s wrong mom? Did something happen? Alondria asked worried.

Jared got up too wondering what was wrong.

Promise you won’t be mad Summer, Ruby said sniffing.

I won’t… stop crying and telling me already.

I don’t know if you found out Jared is in the mafia, Ruby asked.

He is the Mafia Lord, he told me that already, Alondria replied glaring at him, but what has this got to do with it?

The thing is Sarah didn’t add this to her story, Justin and I started the frat back then in school, she said fiddling with her nails as tears poured out freely.



I’m so sorry, I know I should have told you long ago but…

So this confirms why you have been so strong and acting like a cop too, Alondria said.


Tell me about it mom, she asked with interest.

When Sarah said she saw I anf Justin performing, it wasn’t a dance or a song like you must have thought, we were actually ki||ing some bad men at the club.

I had to leave the frat when.. you know when i found out about what happened between them, Ruby said.

Your mom was the best back then,the only male she couldn’t beat was me.

We worked together, she was the first to approve when the government offered to work with us.

She wanted to do some good.

She put in her all into the game, she was the best $h00ter, the best fighter and when it comes to investigation, she just knew how to fish wh@ťěver she wanted out of anyone, Justin said.

Wow, mom you were so cool, Alondria exclamed happily.

You aren’t mad? Ruby asked in shock.

Ofcourse not, even if the foundation was bad, you both were still able to take a turn, you saved innocent lives alandd thats all that matters, I’m super proud of you, Alondria said and Ruby heaved a sigh of relief.

You know what, this has to be the only good news I have heard in few days, why not… uhm…

What? Ruby asked peering at her face.

I Want to practive with you this time around, you have to teach me everything you know, Alondria said happily.

Can I come too? Justin asked.

Ofcourse dad, who wouldn’t want to learn from the king himself, she replied.

Are you sure? Ruby whispered.

Are you worried Jared is going to accuse you again? Alondria asked in a loud voice.



Dad just confirmed you both were discussing Harry but he thought his mom was being cheated on,calling you all sort of names!

Alondria I’m sorry, I…

Save it, I just hope you don’t take so much time in signing the divorce papers when they arrive, let’s go mom, she pulled her mom away without saying a word to Sarah or any of them.

The moment they left Jared broke down, he was crying just like a child.

Thats enough son, she will come around, Justin said patting his shoulder

I don’t want to loose her dad, he cried.

What if she never forgives me?

Ruby is her mom, she will definitely forgive you, just give her some time.

I messed up.

Yes son, you messed up real bad, Justin said bluntly, taking his hands off his sons shoulder.

I’m sorry dad, i deserve any punishment you decide to give…

The guilt You feel already is enough punishment, you should apologise to your wife and Ruby, Justin said.

You aren’t mad at me? Jared couldn’t help but ask.

His dad would never wave such a thing aside.

If i know your wife well enough, She is serious about the divorce,he replied changing the topic.

But you can change that if you want to.

But how? I messed things up already.

You will never know until you try, Justin replied patting his shoulder then pulled him up.

Go meet your wife now, he said pushing him forward.

Thanks dad, Jared said in a grateful tone as he turned to leave.

One more thing, Justin said and he halted.

Male sure to apologize to her mom, win her over then you will have your wife back.

Thanks dad.

Don’t loose her… this is not about company anymore, Justin said then gave him a small smile.

Thanks alot dad, thank you, Jared replied rushing off as he hoped his dad is right…

Will she come around like he said?

Justin? Sarah who has been sitting quiet called out when he turned to leave.

Can we talk?

No Sarah, Jared is all grown now, I think it’s time to do this.

What do you mean?

We are getting divorced, I will send the papers to you right away, he said,his tone giving out no emotion.

She knew he was determined.

Justin please,we can work this out, I promise I won’t do this ever again.

I have tried and endured long enough, now this isn’t about Ruby, its about how I feel,for the first time I choose to be selfish, we will never work, he replied then walked away ignoring her screams.

(I should have saod this earlier.
Please don’t expect s*x scenes, I can’t write that.
I can only hint at it, hope that’s okay with y’all)


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