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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?his royal darkness ?
(living in his darkness)

? written by provy?

chapter 45

Erica returned to her friends but she discovered Kyle was gone
“where is the prince ” she asked and Agatha and Matilda stared left and right with a confuse expression , the tray Erica was holding wobbled and it almost fell
“he was standing right here few seconds ago ” Matilda said and Erica frown
” like seriously you guys should have put your attention on him gush ” Erica snapped
” okay okay the prince is a grown up man so why are you so worked up …”

” why shouldn’t I ,he’s under my care . you don’t understand Agatha the prince has low tolerance for humans around him ,gush what was I thinking “Erica yelled and dash out to search for him ,Agatha frown and folded her arms under her Břě@šť with a grumpy look
“what’s up with her not like he’s gonna vanished into thin air ” she said sarcastically , Matilda gulped down also worried just like Erica
“you won’t understand Agatha my brother isn’t what you think he is, just like Erica had said he has low tolerance we have to find him before he do something crazy “Matilda said confusing Agatha who now looks curious.

” then make me understand ” she said hoping Matilda was say something . Matilda remember what her mother told her earlier today after what Kyle did earlier ,she had confronted her mother about Kyle and the queen had no choice but to tell her truth about Kyle carrying the curse of chaos and she promised never to tell anyone about this .

“a sorry Agatha but there are things far more deeper that he mouth can say and it’s better left unsaid for safety reasons “Matilda said and Agatha scoff wondering what they are hiding from her
“c’mon let find him ” Matilda said and walk ahead and Agatha had no choice but to follow , they both squeeze their way through the crowd of people ..

“you look segzy and hot ” Gael said to xyra who rolled her eyes and sip her wine ” your words won’t work on me gael , why are you here ” she asked an Gael smirked
” am here for the wine and nothing else ” he said
“oh spare me the Ç0çƙtail lies Gael am sure you’re here for something “she spat glaring at him like an eagle staring at it’s prey, Gael giggled and twisted his lips sideways like a child .
“you are always funny sweet sister , I know you’re here for something and what ever it is am gonna find it and when I do I… ”

” you will do what “she cut in and Gael smirked
” I can’t wait to ki|| you and have rest of mind I h@ťě your existence Gael . Kai and Pamela were pest and am happy we eliminated them with the immortal ki||ing dagger what makes think I can’t ki|| you too”she asked and Gael frown and clinched his fist tight . the only weapon capable of ki||ing them is in her disposal and he h@ťěd the fact she has it , Kai had created the dagger from the cup which gave them powers.

“you can’t ki|| someone like me dear sister am cat with 9 lives “he said proudly , xyra jaw tighten as she glare murderously at him but he wasn’t affected by it .
” even a cat with 9 lives can be ki|| Gael so get ready because am coming for you soon. “she said
” and I will be waiting and don’t forget I have 9 more lives I can’t wait for us to play. you know I love games “he teased annoying her even more , she angrily stump away with out looking back and as soon as she did Gael smile vanished an was replaced with a frown .
“Erica .. gush what was I thinking Erica hold 70 percent of Pamela’s powers and xyra stole 30 percent if both side comes together xyra will feel it . I need to get Erica far from here as soon as possible”he whispered ..

meanwhile Erica felt helpless when she couldn’t find the prince
“have you seen him ” she asked the moment Agatha and Matilda came to her also looking disoriented and confuse
“no” they both chorus and she sigh and scratch her hair while staring around
“this isn’t good where is he am loosing my mind already ” Erica cried
“don’t worry Erica Kyle will be alright am sure of that let’s just …” Matilda trailed when someone tapped her shoulders and she turn only to find a sharp looking boy of about 13 years old or so standing there smiling like a fox .
“good evening my princess ” he greeted , Erica frown and so did Agatha but Matilda just nodded
“a young mister asked me to give this to you ” he said stretching forth a beautiful wrapped paper
” who” Agatha asked but the boy ran off after Matilda had collected the paper from him
“who might have sent that ” Agatha asked staring at the paper and Matilda shrug and unwrap it
“is a letter ” she announced and Agatha gasped and stole a glance at the content of the letter
“a love letter ” Erica said with eyes wide open and Matilda show the paper
“gush you 2 should go away ” Matilda said
” who sent you a love letter “Erica asked dumbly and Agatha shot her an are you stupid kind of look
“Milo ” Erica mumbled
“bye I need to read this”Matilda said and ran away
” are you kidding me your brother is missing and ahhhh ” Erica groan , loud chatting noise was heard and agatha and Erica turn toward the direction of the sound.

the king and queen stepped out the the city hall with all the guest behind them , more people around also join then and by now the whole place was now crowded as everyone came together holding their lanterns which hasn’t been lite yet and the king and queen of Zalodan was now standing in front of the crowd .
“the lantern light up ” Erica mumbled and Agatha beamed
” woa it’s time I need to find Gael ” she said excited whole Erica hissed because she has bigger problems to face
“i need to find the prince ” Erica pouted
“good luck with that “Agatha said and Erica walk away ..

Matilda smile happily after reading Milo’s letter
“he wants me to meet him at the cliff ” she whispered and with out wasting time she spring off on foot .

“okay listen up everyone , welcome ladies and gentlemen from far and near in and out . I welcome you all to this year lantern festival which is always held every 5 years “the king said smiling and the crowd cheered happily by clapping and stamping their feet on the ground .

” years back before our Independence we suffered in the hands of the empire , many men fought hard and lost their lives many were victims of circumstances , some lost their family and love ones . this festival is held in honor of all those great men and woman who lost their lives to bring hope to us . this festival is also to mark a new season of fulfilment, hope , expectations and many more .
the lighting of the lanterns is the bring light to our wishes and bring hope to our existence . as king of this Kingdome I will be the first to lite my lantern and everyone should follow “the king said and a servant came forward a beautiful gold color lantern which was handed to the queen .

“make a wish with all your heart as you lite your lanterns and it will come true this believe has been held for centuries before now “the king added and slowly lite up his lantern as soon as he did the lantern shown brightly and slowly it levitated up like a hot air balloon , the lantern flew up high and soon many more lanterns were lite and they flew up taking position in the sky …
“I wish my boy will find peace and be free from his misery ” queen Emma whispered as she stared at their lantern which as high up in the sky…


Matilda got to the cliff and she stared around hoping to sight Milo , she was still smiling with so much joy .
“wow ” she whispered when she saw the thousands of lantern taking position in the sky . she giggled but then she heard a sound behind her and she turn
“Milo ” she called but frown when she found out it was Elena
“where is Milo and what are you doing up here ” she asked and Elena smirked
” isn’t it obvious huh am here to put an end to your useless life I don’t care if you’re a princess or not .Milo is mine are mine alone “she said and Matilda couldn’t help but laugh and this angered her even more
“wow Elena I thought you were just delusional but now I think you’re insane ,Milo doesn’t love you, he only sees you as a friend and nothing more or less than that “Matilda said
” it’s because of you it’s all your fault,I and Milo grew up together. he was always around me even before Erica and Agatha came into the picture . I was hoping we will end up together to be lovers and leave together as man and wife but no Erica and Agatha came into the picture stealing all his attention and finally you came and stole him from me . when I ki|| you he will mourn your dead and I will be beside him then I will win his heart again “Elena said and Matilda frown and glared dagger at the insane girl in front of her

“you are mad , you are insane, mentally high . what makes you think am gonna let you ki|| me huh “she spat and Elena beamed and brought out her bamboo gun , Matilda froze and her blood ran cold . her legs wobbled and her heart pound head heavily

“w-what a-are y-you d-doing with a gun” she stuttered
” hahaha to ki|| you dear princess , say goodbye and don’t worry I will take care of Milo for you “she said and Ç0çƙ the gun and pull the trigger and bang sound was heard , Matilda move sideways as fast as she could,being a princess doesn’t just mean putting on expensive gown and wearing a beautiful tiara . Matilda was thought how to defend herself and also how to formulate an offense move , Elena was shocked at Matilda had narrowly dodged her bullet but before she could recover Matilda paws on her like a cat .

“let go of my gun let go you fool ” Elena yelled as Matilda struggle to take the gun from her ,they both sway each other left and right in an aggressive way and at the end Matilda fell down and so did Elena and the gun dropped down not too far from them .Elena made to grab the gun but Matilda grab her legs and drag her back then climbed on her and rain punches on her face .

“fool I thought you were wiser than this ,you’re just an… ahhhh”Matilda cream out as Elena punch her throat and she fell down then Elena grab the gun and just as she rouse up Matilda also did and like magnet she grab the gun ones again and they both started struggling .a bang sound was heard, it seems one of them had pulled the trigger ,they both pause unmoved hard to tell whom had been shot .

Matilda eyes were wide open in horror and so was Elena eyes , Matilda took 2 steps backward they were both in a catatonic state for a while
“you..” Matilda gasped


?2022 publish?

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