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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Dominique holds a glass of wine in his hand – sipping it lightly. As Lucille asked, he had grabbed a glass of wine and went to the balcony. Now, he stood on the railing patiently waiting for her — wondering what she wants to tell him.

“Dominique…” He turns to the feminine voice. His expression that of shock seeing — Claire?

“What are you doing here?!” He questions.

She gestures towards her black and white outfit, “I work here.”

Of all the places to work, Dominique groans internally. “That doesn’t concern me. You can leave.”

Instead, she steps closer. “I see you brought someone.” Her tone hostile laced with envy. All night, she had to watch Dominique practically love the woman. The way he watched her and danced with her tonight made her green with envy and so out of spite, she had paid her colleague to run into her…

“As you can see I’ve moved on.” He says harshly.

“You never looked at me like that…” Her eyes sad. Once Lucille had gone to the restroom and she had spotted Dominique going to the balcony, she wasted no time in following him.

“And am glad. You need to live Claire.” He demands.

“Why can’t you give me another chance! Am a changed person and I can prove it to you!”

“You need to leave Claire. . .RIGHT NOW!” The sight of her, begging him for another chance angered him. After everything he had done for her and every warning he gave, she still doesn’t want to let go.

Claire flinched at his tone, “I-I can prove to you that wh@ťěver we have is still there…” And without warning, she bolts towards him and slams her lips against his. Dominique goes still in absolute shock, eyes wide — the only thing he feels is disgust and before he can pull away, a wavering voice calls out his name.

“Dominique…” Lucille stands there, her eyes glossy. Immediately he pushes Claire off.

“It’s not what you think!” She shakes her head and runs off, he immediately goes after her. Lucille bolts towards the back entrance — not wanting to make a scene, she blinks trying to hold the tears thr_@tening to fall.

She wasn’t going to cry for him anymore. Just when she thought, this was their chance to finally be together only to come out of the restroom and meet him — lips locked with Claire’s.

“Lucille! Lucille! Wait!” He shouts, she could hear his steps getting closer and closer until he grabbed for her arm stopping her.

“LET ME GO!” She screams tugging her arm away from him.

“Let me explain!”

She stops “explain what! You want to tell me that am blind and stupid – that I didn’t see you with my two naked eyes kissing her!”

“Okay, then explain it to me. Explain how your lips magically found Claire’s…” She was breathing heavily as if she was suffocating. Her body was shaking, for the first time — Lucille is furious – more than furious.

“She kissed me!”

“And you didn’t pull away?” She retorts back.

He sighs, “I was shocked…”

“Shocked. Yeah” she scoffs.

“Why aren’t you listening?”

“Because I am hurt Dominique. If you saw me kissing another man, what would you have done.” The thought alone made me clench his fists tightly.

“I still don’t understand why you are so angry?” He questions.

“BECAUSE AM IN LOVE WITH YOU!!” She screams, “I’ve always loved with you! You were my best friend and the only person who cared about me. . . I loved you and whenever I saw you with Claire, it tore my heart pieces.” Tears ran down her cheeks freely.

Dominique stood still in shock.

“And now, that I finally mustered up the courage to tell you how I felt… And what I feel now. I catch you lips locked with the same person you’ve constantly hurt me with!”

“W-what a-are y-you talking about?”

“Is that all you can say?”

He runs a hand through his hair in frustration, “what do you want me to say? Y-you are in love with me…you can’t be in love with me.”

“Why?” She asks.

“B-because,” for a moment he is tongue tied. “Lucille you can’t be in love with me. Wh@ťěver we have is just… Lust.”

“Wow…” She breaths out, hurt visible in her eyes. “Lust? Bullshît! Our night together that day proved that this relationship is more than just lust and you are just too stubborn to accept that.”

“You can’t tell me what I should feel!” He yells.

“Says the person who is telling me who I should love!” She replies harshly.

“I-I can’t love you Lucille. I—”

“Because your still in love with Claire right?”

“No… I-I just can’t.” He says defeated.

“Okay…I understand.” A moment of silence — in the garden, the wind howling with both of them staring at the ground.

Lucille breaks the silence, “I can’t continue to be your therapist.”


She continues, “I won’t sit there and talk to you and pretend that this night never happened or my feelings have disappeared. If you don’t have feelings for Claire anymore. . . that’s good because my work here is done.”

He sighs, knowing there is nothing he could say that will convince her to stay. “Alright…”

“Have a good life Mr Monet.” She says and leaves. Dominique blows out a breath staring into the dark night. Frustrated, he walks away unknowingly, Claire had been watching from afar.


“Am so stupid! Stupid! Stupid!” She cursed out repeatedly, walking back to the entrance. Fortunately, this is a private Gala and so no media or paparazzi were allowed.

Finally, she burst into tears. She cried out her heartbreak, anguish and anger. All her life, bad things had always happened to her while she only reciprocated them by continuing to help people. Her father abandoned her, her mother died after, apparently she has a brother she can’t remember or doesn’t want to remember and now the person she loved for years just shattered her heart all over again. This day couldn’t get any worse.

Without wasting anymore time, she hails a taxi. Soon, she reaches home – coming down and paying the driver his fare. Home. For once, she was extremely happy to see her apartment. She knocks on the door and no sooner Ashely opens the door.

Her smile turns to a frown seeing Lucille’s red eyes and tired state. “What happened?” She questions worriedly.

“The night didn’t go as planned.” She replies and plops on the couch. Seeing, she didn’t want to discuss what had happened – Ashely nodded but made a quick note to find out what happened. When she had seen them leave, they looked so happy and in love and now…

“Don’t worry I’ll be fine.” She assures Ashely. Lucille rubs her temples when her phone rings, sighing she digs her purse for it and when found – is shocked to see Fiona calling her.

Although, tonight had ended badly but that didn’t mean she wasn’t still worried about her. She picked up at the fourth ring, “hello?” No answer, “Fiona? Are you there? Are you okay?” She asks quickly.

“If you want to see your precious Fiona again, then meet me at her house.” A gruff voice sounded on the other line and before she can ask any questions. She hears Fiona scream, “NO!” And that is when she knows Fiona is in serious trouble.

“Fiona–” the line disconnects. In panic, Lucille stands up briskly and bolts out the door ignoring Ashely calls. She hails another cab and jumps in. “Take me to noir street 178.” The driver nods.

Standing in front of Fiona’s home, Lucille didn’t whether to knock or barge in. Until, she hears a loud bang and without thinking barges into the open house.

The first thing that greets her is Fiona and h-her f-father with two other people tied to their respective chairs. Before, she can even comprehend the situation a cool metal presses against her head — it doesn’t take a genius to know it’s a gun.

The men in black look at her with a mix of disbelief. “Turn around slowly.” The gruff voice orders and there she comes face to face with a man who seems so… familiar.

The man with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes looked at her not with h@ťě and contempt but with a genuine smile. Lucille is confused, even Fiona is — that is until he hugs her saying, “Lucille…my baby sister.”






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Happy Sunday ??. Double chapter, I’ve made up for the past delay…?. Dominique and Lucille shippers??, (breakfast is served?)

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