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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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My ?
( A sweet pretence )
Genre: Fantasy and Romance
Written by Gbemi ❤️
Chapter Twenty Six

Claire walked into the room with Andrew trailing after her.

She didn’t want this conversation to take place. She knew she would keep on lying to him and she didn’t want that.

“There is a reason you have been avoiding me all day, Claire. I have to know that reason”Andrew began as he walked towards her.

“Am not avoiding you, Andrew. Where did you get such an idea from?”She asked.

“You have been avoiding me and I demand to know the reason”

“Am not avoiding you. Stop being paranoid and just……”she didn’t get to complete her sentence, because he pulled her to him ,kissing her senselessly. Though she tried to resist. She didn’t get a chance to. Because, Andrew is a good kisser. She found herself melting into his arms. Wanting more of him as much as he wanted her.

He stopped to stare at her “Liar! If you had felt nothing. You wouldn’t have kissed me so passionately”He said and when she tried to pull away. He held her back.

“You feel the same way. You are trying to put up a barrier which I don’t understand. Why are you trying to push me away?”He asked as he held her close.

“Am not pushing you way Andrew. Its something I have to do”She said suceeding in pushing him away from her.

“Why do you insist on this. We can be happy together. I love you and I know you love me”

“I don’t love you. This is all a pretense to me and I…..”

“Stop with your lies, Claire. If it’s all a pretence to you. You wouldn’t have kissed me the way you did. I just want the truth from you. Tell me the truth and stop feeding me lies!”he yelled shaking her gently.

“Fine then! You really want to know why am acting this way. Then I will tell you”She said and he calmed down a bit. Letting her go, while waiting for her explanation.

“You are right in saying that am lying. I never thought I would fall for someone else after Ben, but I did. It wasn’t until I held you close in my arms last night that I realised how much I love you”she said softly and he pulled her close. Hugging her tight .

“That’s a relief. To know that you love me back is a great relief”he muttered as he held her close. Claire could feel the tears she had been holding back pour out gently.

“I do love you, Andrew. But we can’t be together”She said as he let her go to stare at her.

“Why ? Why do you say we can’t be together?”he asked.

“I will die,Andrew. In three days from now. I will die”She stated softly and he gave her disbelieving look .

“That’s a joke right? You must be joking”He said hoping she would reply but she didn’t.

“What’s going on? Are you sick? What sort of sickness is it ? I will get you the best doctor and…..”

“Its not that Andrew. I will die. But the cause isn’t an illness. Its a car accident” Claire replied.

“I don’t understand….how can you ……”

“There is something you don’t know about me, Andrew. “She said suddenly cutting him off.

“What?”he prompted.

“I see the future through dreams”She told him softly.

“What?”he asked more surprised by the second confession.

“I know it sounds absurd to you. But it’s the truth. I can see my future and other people future. I already knew you before we met “She started softly and he stood still paying attention to her.

“Why did you think I did my best to avoid you? Its because I already dreamt about us getting married. I couldn’t believe it at first. I thought it was just a little dream and not my future cause then, I believed that Ben will be the one I marry, but then I met you during the blind date and no matter what I did. We still kept on meeting. ”

“I saw us getting married in three weeks time and look? We are married after three weeks of meeting each other”she added trying to make him believe her.

“So. Your saying that you can see the future?”he asked and she nodded.

“This is a bit hard to believe ,Claire.”

“I know. People don’t always believe me but I will prove to you that I am telling the truth “she said taking his hand. Pulling him out of the room.

“Where are we going?”He asked.

“To see something”she answered as they got to the sitting room.

Sofia and Ben were the only ones in the sitting room. Entertaining themselves with great wine. They didn’t even notice Andrew and Claire who stood by the door way watching them.

“Those two will be kissing any moment from now”Claire affirmed.

“How do you know that?”Andrew asked.

“I told you that I can see the future”She replied as they both stared at Sofia and Ben who sat talking.

Claire knew they would be sharing a kiss. She had seen this in her dream and her dream never failed her.

Sofia moved towards Ben and gave him a kiss. He was surprised at first but then he pulled her to him. Kissing her back.

Quietly Claire pulled Andrew out of the room, leaving the two lovers alone.

“What was that and how come those two are doing that? I thought Ben came back for you and Sofia made it clear to me that she brought him here solely to get me back ” Andrew stated.

“That was their plan but fate has a way of changing things”Claire replied as she turned to him.

“I had already seen that and that is why I stayed close to him today and even if I didn’t see it. I will never go to him because it’s you that I love”she replied and frowned on remembering her dream.

“Seeing this certainly shows that I can’t avoid my fate. My dream always come true, Andrew. That is why we need to end this before this grow deeper”Claire said but instead of agreeing with her. He walked towards her and pulled her into a tight hug.

“Am not sure about anything but what I can tell you is that I won’t ever let you go.”He said and she embraced him tightly.

“Why don’t you tell me about this dream of yours. Maybe we can do something about it “he offered stopping her from saying anything more.

They were back in their room and were both seated on the large sofa.

“It was a normal day as usual. We both went out sightseeing and while you went to get me something I wanted. I stood waiting for you to arrive. Then I saw a little girl running towards a car. I ran after her and got her out of harm’s way but I ended up being hit. Dying instantly”She said as she cuddled up close to him.

“Am not fazed about the death. Am not even worried about dying but what got me most was seeing you eating away your life. You went to alcohol for comfort. You cried because I was no longer with you and you h@ťěd yourself for my death. You blamed yourself. I don’t want that for you ,Andrew. I would rather leave now and die in peace than to know I condemned you to live your life in that manner”She said this starring at him with her face full of tears.

Andrew smiled down at her. Kissing away her tears before replying.

“That won’t happen. You won’t die and I won’t drown my sorrow away in alcohol “He stated firmly.

“My dream always happen. It happened with you and then with Sofia and Ben. Am scared, Andrew.”She cried out softly.

“Hey. You have me and I will promise you here and now that nothing bad will happen. Do you trust me?”He asked and she nodded gently.

“Then believe me when I say that nothing bad will happen”He said assuring her and she gave him a smile in return.

“Feeling good?”he asked after they stayed in silence for a while.

“Yes”she replied.

“Then why don’t we don’t something to make you feel better”He suggested mischievously.

“And what will that be?”She asked in return.

He stood up, carrying her in his arms. Walking the short distance to the bed to lay her on it.

“Making love”He replied and not giving her time to reply. He kissed her deeply. Kissed her like never before. Wanting to make her forget everything but this moment .

He made love to her with so much love and passion and Claire enjoyed every minute of it.

Learning new things about the art of love making and getting more close to the man who taught it to her.

After hours of making love they slept only to wake up at the wee hours of the morning to make love again.

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

Will her future come to past ???

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