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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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A LOVE UNTOLD – Episode 85

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Lucian enters his office, and Jae-hee pump shinny flowers on him, laughing.

“Congratulations Lucian”. Jae-hee said smiling.

Lucian arch his eyebrows.

“Congratulations on what”

“Don’t act like you don’t know what am saying Lucian, I wasn’t at Seraphina’s show last night, but I watched the show on TV, Seraphina is your girlfriend, is something to congratulate you about”.

“You ain’t mad”.

Jae-hee chuckles and said.

“And why should I be mad, am happy for you Lucian, you manage to steal the heart of the face of Australia….heard she wasn’t a fan of love before, bravo Lucian for breaking the hard hard nut”. Jae-hee said smiling.

“Is surprising Jae-hee”.


“I thought you’ll be mad and furious, since you like me”. Lucian said.

Jae-hee looks at Lucian, and burst out laughing.

“What’s funny Jae-hee”.

“Your Jocking right, why will you think I like you”. She said still laughing.

“Because you’re always being clingy”.

“And that made you conclude that I feel something for you, common Lucian, we’re in the 2022 vision….. seriously”. Jae-hee said and laughs again.

“Then why have you been so clingy towards me”.

“That’s because I find you attracting, I like being with handsome guys like you, yes I drool over you some times, but that wasn’t in a romantic way……and simply because you are handsome doesn’t mean I’ll fall inlove with you, I just admire your cute face that all, no feelings attached”.

Lucian sighs and said.

“That’s a relief then”.

“Wait was that why you’ve been acting mean and distance towards me, because you think I have feeling for you”.

And Lucian nods.

“Yes Jae-hee, because I didn’t want you to get your hopes up”.

“Wow, you must think so highly of yourself to think that every girl you come across with, will fall in love with you, am not the slow time, if I liked you as you claimed, I’ll have told you a long time ago, but I don’t have feelings for you Lucian, I only wanted to be close to you as a friend”.

“I’m sorry for the way I always acted towards you”.

“Is fine Lucian, with the way I was acting, people will think I like you, and this has happened when I was still in Korea, I and this guy were friends, and because of how clingy I was towards him, he developed the illusion that I love him, but it turns out that I don’t, I only see him as a friend, and do you know it landed him in coma”.


“Yeah, he got into an accident when I rejected him, he said I lend him on, but I know I didn’t, it the just the way I’m, am always clingy to all my friends, only that I make friends with guys, and they always end up thinking I’ve feelings for them, you too also fall for it, but thank God your inlove with Seraphina, who knows what’ll have happened to you”. Jae-hee said.

Lucian looks at her and smiles.

“But seriously Jae-hee, you have to stop this your clingy attitude, someone might end up dieing because of you”.

“I want to, but I can’t, it has become part of me”.

“I guess you’re possessed with the evil spirit of clingling”.

“I guess I’m, maybe I should go back to Korea and see a Shaman”.

And both laugh.

“So now that you know I don’t love you, will you be friends with me, and stop distancing yourself from me”.

“I’ll Jae-hee, but don’t fall in love with me”.

“That won’t happen in a million years to come, I admit your handsome but I’ve my own taste of guys”. Jae-hee said and flings her hair.

And Lucian chuckles.

He was so glad that Jae-hee feels nothing for him, cos he doesn’t want to hurt anyone, just like Jamilia did, before giving her heart to Vance.



“How are you and Jaxon, are you both back together”. Zoey asked Yasmeen.

“No we ain’t, his not in Sydney, and the most Painful thing is that his not taking my calls”. Yasmeen said.

“Just give up on him Yasmeen”.

“I can’t, I have come a long way to let go off him Zoey”.

“But he already said he doesn’t love you right”.

“I don’t Care, I’m going to earn him back”.

“Jaxon is not a piece of jewelry that you can just go to a jewelry store and get anytime you want”.

“I was able to to do that before Zoey, and am ready to do it over and over again”.

“Is your call then…..anyways, have you heard the latest news”.

“About who”.

“About Seraphina, you seem not to care about what she does this days”.

“That’s because I don’t Care, what’s up with her”.

“You didn’t watch her show last night”.

“Do I look like one of her crazy fans”.

“No you don’t, but her show last night was so Fab, she introduced her boyfriend to the public, what’s that his name again….Lu….”


“Yes, that his name, he used to be her manager”.

“So Seraphina told the public she’s in a relationship with Lucian”.

“Yes she did”.

Yasmeen smiles and said.

“The show has just began”.

“What do you mean by that Yasmeen”.

Yasmeen looks at Zoey and smirks.



“When coming, can you please buy me some cherry ripe”. Seraphina said over the phone.

“You eat cherry ripe”.

Seraphina looks at Aaliyah and she gave her a sign to say Yes.

“Yes I do I love it alot”. She answers, and Aaliyah smiles.

“How many should I get for you”.

Seraphina looks at Aaliyah again, and she signals her Five.

“I want five”.

“Alright, I’ll get for you when coming home”.

“Thanks Lucian, I love you”.

“I love you too Sera”.

Seraphina ends the call.

“All done”.

“Thanks alot Seraphina, I love you”. Aaliyah said and hugs her.

“Why didn’t you tell Lucian yourself to get it for you”.

“His not going to agree to it, he doesn’t like me eating surgery things, but when it comes to you, he won’t say no, that’s why I told you to do the talking for me”.

Seraphina smiles and looks around.

“Where’s Alvin, have been here the whole day, but I haven’t seen him”.

“I don’t know where he is, who cares anyways, he should go to hell for all I Care”. Aaliyah said frowning.

“Why do I feel your not in good terms with your brother”.

“Yes I’m not, if I was to decide how many siblings am going to have, I’ll just choose only Lucian and Tinsley, that Alvin is really a jerk, his the reason why Tinsley is no longer living with us”.

“But is not his fault”.

“It’s his fault, cos he fall in love, and left his brains behind, what his going through isn’t compared to what Tinsley went through because of him”.

“Love always comes with hurt, but I don’t want to get hurt”.

“You won’t get hurt, because my brother loves you alot”.

“I know that Aaliyah, but you can’t predict things”.

“In your relationship with my brother, I can predict is going to last forever, my brother won’t ever hurt you, your so special to him Seraphina”. Aaliyah said.

Seraphina looks at Aaliyah and smiles.


After his work at ABI, he drove to a glossary store, to buy what Seraphina wanted.

He came out from the glossary store, and was about going to his car when Yasmeen approach him.

“Long time no see Lucian”. Yasmeen said smiling.

“What are you doing here”.

“Have been following you Lucian, ain’t you happy to see your Friend”.

“We aren’t friends Yasmeen, just get lost”.

“I heard Seraphina finally declared to the public that you’re her boyfriend”.

“It hasn’t nothing to do with you Yasmeen”.

“Of course it does, your a genius Lucian, you were able to crank the hard rock, and she must love you a lot to have told the world that you’re her boyfriend”.

“I see you don’t have any useful thing to say, I’ll just leave”.

“You can’t leave yet Lucian”.

“And why not”.

“Have you forgotten about our deal”.

And Lucian gulp down nothing, looking at her.

“You said you were going to make Seraphina fall in love with you, and break her heart afterwards”.

And Lucian’s throat dried off instantly.


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