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Friday, October 18, 2024
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His Heart? Knows

{?That he still wants her?}

Writer: Temiloluwa ?


?Don’t copy or repost my book ?

Loves?If you see anyone copying or reposting my book, don’t hesitate to inform me?? Thanks in advance ?


Faraway near the valley side, a beautiful mansion that gave off a warm and comforting ambience sat proudly. A certain room of the mansion that used to look so beautiful was now messed up all over with make up, colour inks, food and few other things making it look like a massacre took place there.

A baby could be seen on the polished tiles floor of the room and a boy was sitting opposite him having a hopeless look on his face.

When he couldn’t bear the mess his brother was creating anymore, he called out helpless,”Zayd! Stop making a mess. Can’t you be like me? When I was your age, I didn’t even know the meaning of trouble.”

But the baby just giggled at his brother’s words and continued spilling more ink on his body. His elder brother sighed seeing this and grumbled,”That’s why I told papa and mama that I want a baby Zahra not baby Zayd.”

Just then, footsteps approached the room and the door flew open. The woman who had just come in gasped when she saw the mess her son had created in the room.

The older son arose and called out in joy,”Mama! You are finally here. Please don’t leave me alone with Zayd anymore. He’s a nightmare.”

His mother laughed and walked to the baby. “Stop saying mean things Samir. He’s your baby brother,” She warned softly as she bent down and stared at the baby. The baby seemed to cower in fear when he saw his mother’s gaze.

He stopped spilling the ink immediately and gave his mother the cutest puppy face ever?

Zoya laughed softly and asked him in a harsh tone,”Mister! What do you have to say about this mess you have created?”

There was silence for a while before the baby finally cooed,”Baby shae Doo Doo Doo.”

Zoya burst into laughter but Samir didn’t find it funny at all. He was expecting his mother to pick the naughty little boy and spank his butt.

“You mischievous little baby… I asked you a question. I didn’t ask you to sing your favourite rhyme and Zayd love, it’s shark not shae,” Zoya corrected before lifting him in her arms not minding the way the inks on him stained her cloth.

“Stop trying to correct him dove… He will say it correctly when the time is right at least he’s talking for his age unlike our uncle Samir here who refused to say anything until he was a toddler,” Another voice suddenly resounded in the room.

Zoya turned to the door and the baby in her arms looked excited to see his father. “Aamir, you are back early,” She said excitedly. Before Aamir could respond, one little angry boy already protested,”Papa, what do you mean!? At least, I wasn’t as troublesome as Zayd when I was his age.”

“Keep quiet mister. You were worse,” Aamir responded playfully, patting his hair before going to Zoya and swooping Zayd in his arms.

The baby giggled as his father lifted him up and down. “I wouldn’t miss our wedding anniversary for anything,” He Zoya’s unasked question. She smiled and walked to him.

She suddenly remembered something cause she asked him,”Aamir… Did you go and visit Akhil?”

“No… I’m not going to do that until he rots in that cell. I’ll only go there to collect his dead body,” He answered lowly, not wanting Samir to hear him. The latter wasn’t even listening anyway cause he was already lost in the red tablet in his hands.


“No buts Zoya… Have you forgotten? I almost lost you. My heart literally died when the doctor gave me that news. These tiny little but beautiful scars on you is a constant reminder of what that b*stard tried to do. Neha would have suffered the same fate if she hadn’t committed suicide,” He told her. His eyes turning red with anger as he recollected that fateful bloody day.


“Where’s… Where’s Zoya? Where’s she? You have to bring my Zoya back to me!,” Aamir cried and struggled with the the doctors who were also struggling to hold him down.

“Calm down… Aamir, please calm down,” His mother cried but he refused to listen.

“Just calm down okay!? Your Zoya is not dead! Well she is not alive too,” Kashan had shouted at him… Well he only said the last statement in his mind cause he knew if he says that, Aamir will probably panic more than he is already panicking.

Aamir finally stopped crying and struggling. He panted hard as he asked Kashan to confirm,”She is not dead? Is she really not dead? She… She… She… Is… Alright… Right?”

Exhaustion made his voice falter but even as he could feel his eyes drooping with sleep, he still needed to know… How she is doing.

Kashan nodded and he could finally fall into a deep slumber peacefully. “Why didn’t you tell him?,” Someone asked Kashan as one of the doctors removed the syringe he had injected into Aamir.

“He’s in a critical state himself so telling him about her would only make things worse,” Kashan had replied.

“What if she never wakes up?,” Another person directed another question at him.

“She will.”

“Mr Kashan, do you know the levity of your words? Vegetative state is different from a coma. When someone is in a coma, the person still have a chance of waking up but vegetative state is worse… The person life slowly slips away till he/she finally dies,” A doctor explained.

Mrs Sharma cried when she heard this word. “What are the chances of her waking up?”

“Ma, you should add near future… Your question should be what are chances of her waking up in the near future? And your answer is 1%,” The same doctor responded.

Temi hugged Samir tightly in her arms when she heard this. “Zoya won’t leave… She won’t just leave that way… Even if she wants to leave, it won’t be now. She’ll surely wake up. She will wake up for Samir’s sake,” Kashan protested.

The doctor shook his head and turned to head out. “I’ll go and check on her,” He announced. His fellow doctors followed him. Soon the door opened and a man dressed in a police uniform walked in.

Everyone looked at him and Temi immediately rushed to him. “Harry, were you able to find any lead as to who might have done this?,” She asked impatiently.

Harry just stared at Mrs Sharma who looked so frail and a shell of her former self. Kashan looked at him with a frown when he refused to say anything.

“Cousin! Why aren’t you saying anything?,” Temi asked impatiently.

Harry sighed and mumbled,”I don’t know if I should say this in front of Mrs Sharma or not.”

“Just say it. I want to know who had tried to ki|| my son,” Mrs Sharma voiced out vehemently.

“The CCTV footage displayed a car parked miles away from the accident scene. Apparently, the driver had been there to watch the accident take place,” Harry explained.

“Did you see who it was, cousin?,” Temi asked quickly. Everyone looked at Harry. “Akhil,” The latter mumbled slowly and Mrs Sharma turned ashen. Her lips started trembling when she heard this.

“It was Akhil Sharma!,” Harry announced his whereabouts. “We’ve tried arresting him at least to interrogate him but we can’t seem to get his whereabouts like he disappeared from the surface of earth.”

Mrs Sharma froze for a while. She couldn’t talk. Her son had tried to ki|| her other son and her daughter in-law. Heck! He didn’t even care about their child so he planned to ki|| all of them.

“I know where he is,” she suddenly spoke out and everyone’s attention turned to her. She brought out an outdated phone and waved it in the air.

“He contacted me with an unknown number. Track his location with it and I’m sure you’ll be able to get him,” She told them in between tears and Harry immediately copied the number before rushing out.

“Grandma,” Samir called out softly when he saw her crying and he raised his hand to be carried by her. She carried him and couldn’t control the dam of tears that broke. She couldn’t help feeling like it was partially her fault that this had happened.

~End of the Flashback~

?Don’t copy or repost my book. You won’t know what will ki|| you ?

“But I didn’t leave… I came back to you,” Zoya said softly, her eyes brimming with tears as Aamir hugged her with one hand since he was carrying Zayd with the other.

“I waited for months… For two whole agonizing years but I didn’t stop hoping that you would come back to me. Even when the doctor wanted to switch off the life support and let you leave this cruel world quietly, I protested. Of course, I had the help of Samir, Kashan, Temi, Harry, Mother, Zeenat and Aiza,” Aamir choked out. The tears were clogging his throat.

“I love you… For not giving up on me,” She replied.

“Mama, you didn’t give me baby Zahra like father promised you would when you wake up,” Samir suddenly interjected. The couple laughed and looked down at their son.

“Isn’t Zayd enough for you?,” Zoya asked teasingly.

“No, I still want baby Zahra. Zayd isn’t even cute!,” Samir protested. Zayd pouted that moment as if on cue to confront his brother Samir- HOW-CAN-HE-SAY-I-AM-NOT-CUTE-WHEN-HE-IS-THE-UGLY-ONE?

?? I’m sure they would have laughed if they heard what’s on the baby’s mind.

“We can still make baby Zahra for you,” Aamir said suggestively as his hands snaked round Zoya’s waist shamelessly. She slapped his hand off and retorted,”When Zayd gets a little older.”

Aamir gasped and was about to protest when the doorbell rang multiple times indicating the arrival of their guests.

Zoya immediately escaped and walked to the door but Samir was faster cause he already ran out, down the hall. Just as she was about to leave the room, Aamir pulled her back.


“Zoya, I love you… I didn’t get to say mine before the interruption so I want to say it now. I love you so very much,” Aamir whispered and she smiled.

“We should seal it with a kiss,” He suggested, staring at her lips. The baby cooed in his arms, saying gibberish to himself unaware of the ambience in the room.

“No can do… Aamir, the kiss can wait but our anniversary can’t. Our guests are already waiting,” Saying this, Zoya walked out and Aamir looked deflated.

Zayd chose that moment to blow a bubble on his father’s cheek and brought a smile to the sad face.

“If mom refuses, baby can kiss me instead,” Aamir said happily as he also walked out and closed the room behind him. As the door closed gently, I could hear him say,”Let’s get you changed.”

The door finally closed…. Along with the memories… The sad ones… The happy ones… Everything was left behind… Nothing else mattered… Except the new happy bubble they found themselves wrapped in.


??So sad yet loving to finish this? Thank you all so very much for giving me the courage, encouragements, messages, reviews and reactions to finish another wonderful story of mine.

What was your happiest moment, sadest moment and funniest moment ⁉️Leave your opinion in the comments box below…

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Please Encourage Me By Sharing This story.

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